Chapter 15

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thalias pov-

i called amanda earlier to let her know we were dropping out. i was expecting her to be a bit disappointed, but she was suprosingly very satified with my "mature decision". today is the dat evan and i are filing our papers for drop out.

---3 hours later---

evan hitched me up on his back as he ran through the parking lot screaming.

"we're free!" he said repetedly. i wrapped my arms around his neck as he piggy-backed me all the way to his car. he set me down so i could get in the car, but stopped me by pressing his body up against mine, having me squished in between him & the car. i felt his lips brush mine before he grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me. he was smiling through the kiss & i laughed as i pulled away.

"i love you evan." i said.

"i love you too." he said with one final peck on the nose. we drove back to his house, well i guess our house.

evans pov-

"thalia i need to run some errands, do you want to come?" i asked her.

"yeah i need a few things too." she said. we got in the car & drove to the grocery store.

"um evan, i have to get some... girl things, ill shop on my own for now." she said with a laugh as we walked imto target.

"sounds good, you do that." i said kissing her on the cheek.

i made my way over to the produce and began piling things into my basket when i heard someone call my name. i turned my head around to see a face i never thought i would have to see again.

"brooke? i told you to leave me alone." i said sternly. she walked closer to me. too close.

"evan, you know 'we' are not over. you never stopped loving me." she said while batting her clumpy eyelashes. i absolutely cannot forgive myself for ever dating her. if i rememer, i think i felt bad for her. brooke slammed her lips on mine. my eyes were wide open as i tried to shove her off of me. just then, out of the corner of my eye i saw thalia. i mustered up every ounce of strength within me and shoved brooke to the ground. i couldve done it a long time ago, but i didnt want to hurt a girl. but i didnt care. thalia will be crushed.

"stay away from me brooke, ill press charges." i said over my shoulder as i ran to find thalia. i might have just lost the only thing i had to hold onto.

thalias pov-

the tears were streaming down my face as i sprinted to amandas. i knew this would happen. i knew it. i got to close, i became too attached. i... i loved again. and i lost him. i knew i would. i was never enough for him. clearly. every existing swear word was spinning through my head as i thought of evan. i stopped crying and became angry. i busted through the door to amandas. she wasnt home. of course. i ran upstairs to what used to be my room. i took the razor blade out and slit my wrists 3 times. i didnt think i would ever do this again, but here i am. staring at a puddle of my blood in the sink. a cleaned up the mess and went into ny old room and slammed my fist against the wall as hard as i could. i pictured myself beating that girl senseless. i paused for a minute and realize what evan had done to me. he helped my find my true self so quickly, that i can love, and that i am kind & passionate. but he just as fast took it all away. and im back to my old self. in a matter of seconds, the old thalia took over me again.

"thalia. please hear me out."

"what do you want." i said as i turned around to face him. uck, disgusting. i mean, still attractive. no.

"just come back to our place and we can talk about it, p-please." he said cautiously. like if he said the wrong thing, i would explode. which is probably true.

"fine. you get one chance, i mean it." i said. he leaned in for a hug, but i dodged it, leaving him grabbing at nothing.

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