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Our parents were also children

They assume to

And I quote

"Understand what were going through"

I think that they get past the fact that they grew up

And the world of youngsters has continued without them

All the things they did when they were kids

Can seem totally outdated to us

Their way of thinking has changed

It is no longer the same

Before they may have thought like us

Like children

Now it's not the same anymore

All the knowledge and understanding view of a teen or a kid

All that is poof


Now they think like adults and forget what its like to be young

And without knowing it they treat us

In a way when they were our age

They would have never wanted to be treated

They have forgotten what it's like to be under parents pressure

To have you feel like your stupid

That you will never achive anything in your life

And no matter how hard you try to please them

They never seem to be satatisfied

They always seem to want more

Just to not seem like a bad person

They say that famous phrase

I think every parent has says atleast once in their lives

"I only want what's best for you"

If our parents really wanted what's best for us they wouldn't

Say and do certain things

But in the end it's always the same thing

They are your parents and they love you

I don't doubt that but one advice i think may be helpful to anyone

"Dear parents,

We do love you but somertimes it's a bit to much and we just want to be regular teanagers so if you could just lay back a tad bit tit would be very apeciated thank you"


Okay this probably makes no sense . it's the first thing i'm ever posting

i promise the thing to come will be alot better

Plz dont copy and thing even if its sucks because I am verry protective of stuff i write

So no copyrights


Luv always zabuja q(0.0)p

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