Will it ever get easier?

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I am literally fed up
With what
With everything
I can't take the stress
I can't take the tears
I can't take the pain
I can't take the heartache

I thought this was what was missing
But I quickly realized that I was wrong

I can't handle it

I don't want any of it

The unbearable pain the is settled on my heart

Did I really fool myself

I was a fool to think i could handle it

I was a fool to think that pain was the answer

I was a fool to think that more problems

Would so how answer my problems

I felt like something was missing
A huge part of me was missing

I didn't know what it was

I looked back and saw that the only moments

Where i thought i was complete

Those moments where i had a problem 

And smart little old me 

Decided to go find problems

And boy did I find them

The thing is 
They never stop

They came to me like punches

I dodged some

But others hit hard 

They came after me 

One after the other

Never giving me the time

To breath 

I only then realized 

When I was almost down


This is not what I need

So I got up

And fought

I didn't let these things get in the way

I thought that things would only get harder

It looked like there was no way out

Things would never get easier

Anything that was suggested seemed impossible

Nothing could make me feel better

With time I was proven to be wrong

Will it ever get easier??

It may not seem like it at the moment it

But I am here to tell you

Yes it does get easier with time and a heck lot of patience


 I'm not sure how to feel about this one

I hope you can share with me your impressions

Good or Bad

Message me personally to tell me what you think

Thank you I appreciate it   

 Anyone can give up, it's the

easiest thing is the world

to do. But to hold it together

when everyone else would

understand it you fell apart,

that's true strength.


Luvalwayz Zabuja<3

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