Mad ?? I'm sorry

4 0 0

Sorry ...

I opened mouth without realizing what was coming out of it

I now realize the mistake I've made

Before I knew but didn't understand

Now that I do I look at this differently

What I've done isn't acceptable

Normally I wouldn't accept you being mad

I would say your mad for no reason

But I realized that the one who was wrong

Is none other then me

All I did was think about myself

I didn't realize that what I started would hurt you

And that was the real reason why you were mad

Because you trusted me with something

And I played with that

You mad because you care

If you didn't then you wouldn't

And I wasn't a very good friend by doing what I did

I hope that while you're reading this

You'll understand that all these words a sincere

And that you'll be able to accept my apology

Because I would be mad at myself

If I had to lose you as a friend

And that's because I care so much

The amount that we share

Is something that is above and beyond

I wasn't thinking when I was talking

I let myself be compelled

I let them affect my way of thinking

It was like the were softly whispering things into my ears

The more they said it

The more it seemed to make sense

Instead of sticking to what I know

I accused you of something I shouldn't have

I didn't look at the whole truth

The one I knew from the very beginning

All I want to say is

I sadly can't promise you that this will be the last time

I may get mixed up with the information that I know

And the one I am being told

Knowing which one is the truth

Which one is missing so elements

Which one I should believe

I wish I could tell you that I won't get mixed up

But I can't

Tho what I can tell you is that I'll try my best

I don't know what I would do if I lost you

Our friendship is so important to me

That it would chip off pieces of my if you hated me

So please take your time

Read this twenty times if you need to

But please don't be mad at me

I care to much about us

About you

To stop talking to you

I may not be the best person

But I do care

So accept my long apologie

Understand that I'm sorry that I hurt you

It was not and will never be



Hiya so here's another one yay

I really love writing these and I hope you enjoy reading them.

I really want to know what you thought about this one so comment at the end please.

Share and enjoy

Luv always zabuja (^v^)ヽ(^。^)丿(」゚ロ゚)」(¬_¬)(°∀°)b

Why am I so afraid to lose you,
When you aren't even mine?

Good friends
Are hard to find
Harder to leave
And impossible to forget

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