An open book

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Easy to read

All those things
Describe how you are
Can't you see that everybody knows
Your life isn't a secret
When you think that no one knows
Turns out that everyone knows

You can deny it as much as you want but
Deep down you know it
You know it but you are afraid
Afraid that it will only get out of control
You don't want to be one
But somehow you are

You try and try to be discreet
But you realize that in the end
You always go back to your starting point
You feel like it's an impossible task
No matter how hard you try
It's like an unwanted leech that is stuck to you

But the thing is that you never asked for this
All you want is to get away from this
You want to close the book of your life
To put a lock on it
And close it with a triple lock
And be the only one to open it

Will that really make you feel better?
If being an open books makes you who you are
Why must you go change that
Do you not love who you are
Why must you change something that secretly affects people
You may not see it now
But I promise in due time it will all make a lot more sense

If being an open book means that you show your feelings
Then don't be afraid but instead embrace it
Be proud that you are able to show how you feel
If people don't appreciate that about you
Then to bad for them
Instead of rejecting this
Take it and polish it

Use it to the full of its potential
Use it so you can show that when you say that you care
The person can actually see that you are being sincere
That you are not being fake
That all these emotions that you are showing are 100% real
But the only way you can accomplish this is by
Being an open book

Be the best book you can be
Surprise people
Be different
Let people read you and be surprised with every turn of page
Because a book is a story
It's your story
Be the best story you can be

So what if people can read you easily
Don't be scared
Let them read you
BUT make sure that you don't let them judge you
Because you are an open book
Don't let them be the reason to close your book
Because you never know

Maybe one day someone is going to be captivated by a certain open book
That person will read and read and read this open book
When you least expect it
They will pay attention to every little detail
They will be captivated by this open book
They might be the one to close this open book
And this open book
May be you


So that was that I hope you like it
Share and comment plz
I would also ask if ever you have any ideas pm me I will take them into consideration and see what I can do : )

Luv alwayz Zabuja <3

Our life is an open book full of pages.
We laugh. We cry. We smile. We stumble. We fall. We succeed.
Every chapter defines who we are.

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