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~Rainbow dash's pov continued~

I eventually ended up falling asleep that night the next day came soon enough and since I hardly face the window the sun was shining through and into my eyes causing me to wake up, I didn't want to but I had no other choice I decided to turn over facing the wall from the blinding light and tried to go back to sleep but i couldnt so i just sat up in my bed still tired but i would wake up after i walk or eat if its still there. Though I highly doubt that it would be counting that says that she "gives" it to the dog and we don't have a dog at least not anymore but the only pet I have now is tank, The dog I had passed when I was 3 and then I ended up getting tank later on as I got older.

I managed to actually get out of bed and walked downstairs I was going to tank but he was still asleep so I decided to eat myself beforehand as I walked down the steps getting close the bottom step I heard my stepmom say to me as she noticed that I was finally awake and coming down "how did you sleep?" I got the last step my hand still one the railing my thoughts exactly were "is she really talking to me?" I didn't answer her question I walked by her pretending that I didn't hear her,surprisingly she didn't throw it outside or in the trash it was still there so I sat down and ate.

After I was done I went back up to my room shutting the door not all the way but just enough so that no one could see in, I got dressed and feed tank before heading out for my walk I don't really take anything with me just in case someone decides to run up behind me and grab whatever I have in my hand. When I got home I found maybe about 10 or 15 messages for Shy telling me that I should go over there to help her with some people that keep randomly bullying her, so I made my way there.

"What's wrong this time?"

" u they keep coming here and hitting me and stuff....."

"If u really want to then Come back with me cause I can't always keep coming here plus y don't u stay inside where they can't see you"

"I don't know......."

" come on"

We both walk back to my house I noticed a red scratch mark on her arm almost like a cut mark I once did when I younger on accident when I came home from school that day and went into the kitchen and cut my arm on the table edge in the living room when I was going in the kitchen, and to be honest it hurt like hell, I didn't want to tell her about because knowing Shy would start panicking about it and tell me to fix it when u can't really fix a cut or a scratch it's better if you like it fix its self.

"I can see you fixed his aquarium alittle"

"Yeah, i thought it would need some fixing..."

Kinda glad she didn't ask me what was wrong since I didn't sound fine or okay when I said it that way, a few hrs passed and night was closing in Shy didn't want to go home so I let her stay here for the night since her mom wasn't coming home until 11 working over time,never knew why but it would just happen I never really noticed how dark it got on my street when the street lights weren't on. Ether way they would click on soon I guess can't tell when it does I looked over at Shy who was laying on my bed asleep, guess it was a rough day for her then again almost every day is rough when she isn't around me, Rarity,Pinkie, Sunset,and AppleJack.

I layed on my usual side of the bed this time not facing the window, slowly I fell asleep.

~Fluttershy's pov~

That next morning I got up due to Dash's alerm going off I got ready I noticed that Dash was already ready cause I watched her feed her pet even though he wasn't awake yet, we both walked downstairs ate our breakfast and went to school where the others were waiting for us the 6 of us walked inside I only noticed a few people giving sunset a look when we walked by after what happened at the fall formal. But it didn't bother her she was use to it it happened every day once in awhile but still.

Some other times i would look over at Rainbow Dash walking by Applejack I could tell was blushing abit but I couldn't tell why she was, after wards we went our classes Dash never really cared to pay attention or listen we know she doesn't like it but she listens to us and pays more attention to AJ?

"Is she more closer to Applejack then the rest of us?" Different thoughts kept runnjng through my mind, the day went on as normal until it was time to go Raimbow Dash, Sunset, and Applejack went home cause Apparently they had things to do. But i dont know if I should believe Dash but im not going to make her come since she already left with the other two.

~SunSet Shimmer's pov~

Dash decided to come home with me instead of going back home when her dad wasnt there I never really knew why she hated her stepmom so much but i guess thats one thing none of is get to know, both of us sat on my bed in my room even though i don't normally do that but she wanted to go in my room so i just went with her. I couldnt help but look over at Dash who seemed abit flushed so i just had to ask "whats on your mind?"


"It doesn't seem like nothing,i know theres somekne on your mind so just tell me, you can tell me anything i wont tell the others about this"


"I Pinkie Pie promise"

"Well......., its just........that i kinda have a thing for AJ, and i didn't want to tell anyone or my parents that i liked her in that way"

"When are you going to tell her about it?"

"I dont know yet....."

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