chapter 4

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~Fluttershy's pov~

The next morning i woke up feed the animals and went back to the room to get ready and after i was finished i messaged Dash hoping she was awake.

"Just wondering if you were comjng today"


"Of course im coming, i just haven't got ready yet"

~Rainbow Dash

"Well i think that you hurry and get ready"


"I'll so get on that...*few mins later*"

~Rainbow Dash

"Funny Dash..."


"Fine I'll get ready mother"

~Rainbow dash

I ended up getting ready did my thing, and walked out of the room shutting the door half way cause the animals were still asleep, and i walked downstairs got my shoes on and grabbed my bag and headed towards Rainbow dash's place. Waiting for her to open the door so we can get going finally Dash opened the door and came out and we both started walking.

Once we made it to the school both of us walked in with the others Dash was clearly still trying to get AJ's attention of that fact that she's Dash's crush, i knew she was Dash didnt have to tell me i can just tell but the looks of it.

I knew she wasn't to tell anyone about it but i know she will soon or later, even jf she wasnt going to, most of us could tell what was going on through her mind. No ones going make her talk or force anything out of her, its her choice to tell if shes ready to and in case shes not ready yet.

We walked to our classes after getting our things and going our way until after, Dash like normal dosent care to pay attention or listen to anythjng the teacher has to say about anything. But if it was anything i was there in her 2nd class and I noticed that she wasnt paying attention or anything like normal but I wouldn't thing that she would be txting someone? I managed to see the name and it was surprisingly AppleJack and i knkw she doesnt do that but Dash does but they both were.

~AppleJack's pov~

It wasnt long until Rainbow Dash txted me from the time it started to the middle of class when i gave up on txting her back.


~Rainbow Dash

"If somethings wrong might as well spit it out now without lying"


"Nothing's wrong i just wanted to talk someone"

~Rainbow Dash

"We can talk later not now"


"But i want to talk now"

~Rainbow Dash



"Because im bored and i really need to talk to someone"

~Rainbow Dash

"......., we'll talk later, not now"



~Rainbow Dash

"Fine guess we'll talk later then... 😔 "

~Rainbow Dash

It took abit until she finally stopped txting me to get me to answer her, but i had to stop messaging back at least its over. After class i managed to catch up to her at least until she told me that she had to go meet up with an old friend but would txt me later, but you cant really trust alot of things she says often.

No one knows for sure but its just what she does most would think that she would of grew out of it by now, but i knew Dash when we both were little i knew she wasn't going to grow out of it even though she was really bad at lying. But she'll learn soon or later i guess, after a few hours of waiting for her to answer back i got somethjng from her.

"i didnt want to go meet with u dust"

~Rainbow Dash

"Then why did u go"


"I had to, it wasnt a choice for me but anyways im going home now so...... Might not want to come unless u want to be attacked by Red Rose and Scarlett Rose"

~Rainbow Dash

" their there?"



~ Rainbow Dash

"What if i wanted to come?"

~ AppleJack

"Then come, you know i dont care if you do or not"

~Rainbow Dash

Soon after I went over only one i seem was Red Rose, I always figured that Scarlett was upstairs with Rainbow Dash i mean she's the only one that she clings to for some weird reason. I never really knew why and Dash doesn't know ether, guess it just happens.

I walked into Dash's room both of them were sitting on the bed so i joined in, we couldn't about much cause of u know....the little kids and they don't need know about our stuff we go through but i know they will some day as they grow. But what ever came to mind we just talked about Scarlett would join in and out inbetween them not knowing what we were talking about, but u cant blame her no one can to be honest.

But u can't expect much from them at this age, as it was getting closer to night Dash had put them both down to rest i wanted to leave myself but i knew how much she wanted me to stay with her for the night i didnt really want to but i did anyways, we both made a bed on the floor in her room and laid there on different sides. I kinda noticed how close Dash was getting but i didnt mind it i just let her get close.

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