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I hid behind my dad as we walked into the park, covering my face with his coat sleeve. I had been the shy one always and Dad wanted me to make friends, but it is hard to get a 6 year old to do want you need or want them to do.

"Come on (Y/n), here how about if you make a friend at the park today you can have 2 cookies once we get home?" Dad said gesturing over to a swing set with a few boys running around it like it was the last thing they were going to do.

"What if they do not like Daddy? What if they say mean things? What if-" I started to go on and on till he cut me off.

"(Y/n) why on earth would someone not like you," Dad said leaning down to reach my short height. "Now go and try to talk to them." He gave me a hug and nugged me tords the swing set.

"H-h-I am (Y-Y/n)." Walked over to the boys running around.

"Hi (Y/n)! I am Patrick!"

"I am Pete!"

"Oh, I am Brendon!" They came over to me giving me a warm smile. 'They really want to talk me!?!' Every spun around in my head till I said something at last.

"S-so you like the Teenage  mutant ninja turtles?" I look down at Patrick's shirt wich had all of the turtles in their signature positions.

"Yah! I love Donatello, who do you like?" Patrick noded his head.

"Mikey, I guess." I looked down at the ground digging my foot into the ground.

"That's funny!" Brendon said laughing a bit. 'Oh no they do not like what I said!' my mind was in panic mode.

"Why is it funny?" I looked up at Brendon who was looking at another boy was running by the swings.

"That boy, right there. He is Gerard and his little brother is Mikey!" Brendon pointing at the one I guess was Mikey.

"Come on! Lets og on the swings!" Pete said running over to the empty swing set. "You coming (Y/n)!" Pete hopped on the swing and swung up and down. I look over to dad who was talking to the moms and dads of Pete, Patrick, Brendon, Gerard, and Mikey. Dad looks over to me and gives a nodding letting me know 'go have fun (Y/n)'

"Yah! Coming!" I running over and hop on a swing inbetween Pete and Patrick. About what felt like 1 hour dad come over to me and says "Come (Y/n) mom is making dinner we have to go home."

"But Daddy! I want to stay and play!" I pout and cross my arms.

"I got the mommys and daddys of the boys phone number. Now rember what  I said?"

"Cookies!" I said jumping up and down. "Bye guys!" I yelled as I took my dads hand as we went back to our house.

"See you later (Y/n)!" The boys all yelled at once.


This was 8 years ago. Things have slowly gotten worse.  Dad was gone mom was.... mom and school sucks. How I wish I could go back to this time and stay there forever.


A.N So this was the first part to this thing that I said "Hey lets do this!" Well hope this is good.

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