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(A/N Okay I am changing things with Sophie. Her age is 10. Cool? Am I fucking things up? I am sorry)

~Patrick's P.O.V.~

(A/N In this plane there are three seats next to each other)

             Sophie, (Y/N), and I climb onto the right plane and make our way to our seats. "Sophie, window or no window?" I ask as I fix my glasses that rested on my nose. "Window! I have never been on a plane before! I need to see this!" Sophie runs in taking the window seat. (Y/N) makes her way and sits next to Sophie and I take the last seat. "So your parents are Patrick Stump and (Y/N) (Y/L/N), you have Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross, Pete Wentz, Mikey Way, Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Joe Trohman, Andy Hurley, and Miles Andrews as Uncles. Your Aunt Gwen Trim, you are going on tour with Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, (Y/B/N), and some other band, you are going on a radio show, and you are meeting Sleeping With Sirens how do you feel Blue." (Y/N) leans over to Sophie.

"It feels like a dream that I can not wake up from. I mean I always hoped of at least going to a show some day, but now I am living with my heroes! Not all kids get that!" Sophie giggles as she pulls out a pair of ear buds from her pocket. "Trust me kid it only gets better. We have not even started tour yet, tour means fans, fans means hugs, hugs mean getting to know that people really do like you." I toss my arm around (Y/N). "And if there is one person who disrespects my girls, oh they are going to have fun." When I said this Sophie seemed to shiver almost.

"Patrick is not going to hurt anyone......I think." (Y/N) raises an eye brow at me. "Patrick no." (Y/N) looks back at me. "I was joking, but still; Sophie we are going to be going so many place in such a little time. You need to tell us or anyone of many Uncles and your one Anut if something happens." I nudge Sophie's shoulder. "Yeah Patrick I know. I will be by one of you guys at all times." Sophie plugs her ear buds into the head jack on the seat's arm rest.

"They have those! Cool!" I take my arm off (Y/N) and grab my ear buds. "Tip for tour too; If you are ever bored, go hang out with Brendon and Ryan." I chuckle softy. "Um Why?" Sophie cocks her head. "Because (Y/N) and I knew Brendon for all our lives and Ryan for a really long time. They are very funny."

"We will taking off now, so please buckle your seats and enjoy." The plane pilot says over the loud speaker. "Get ready Sophie." (Y/N) grabs Sophie's hand. 'Best. Plane. Trip. Ever'

~Time Skip To 15 Minutes Till They Land~

~(Y/N)'s P.O.V.~

The flight was almost over and Patrick had fallen asleep, Sophie had ear buds in and looking at New York that was below us, and I was about to get Patrick up. "Patrick babe wake." I kiss Patrick's cheek. "I am up! I am up!" Patrick jumps up and Sophie and I giggle. After a few seconds Sophie's face lights up with joy. "Patrick! Patrick! Patrick! You will not believe what is play on the radio!" Sophie is almost jumping out of her seat. "What Blue. What could be playing on the New York radio?" Patrick shrugs. "Well listen!" Sophie gives Patrick an ear bud over me. "Oh, wow. That is crazy!" Patrick hands Sophie back the ear bud. "I want to hear!" I moan. Sophie hands me an ear bud.

"Sugar we're going to do swing," Fills my ear. "Oh my god! Patrick it is Sugar We're Going Down! That is awesome! Blue what channel is it?" I lean over to look at her screen. "Um I do not know, but in the beginning the guy said that he was Elvis Duran." 

"Ah remember, we go on his radio show silly." I ruffle Sophie's hair. "You are the silly! You are the one who is always losing your things." Sophie says back. "Well you are the one who is going to be stuck with homework in a year!" I trough back.

"You two are so cute when you fight." Patrick says leaning back in his seat. "Shush up Stump." (Y/N) snaps at me. "What? I can not love my wonderful lady and her mini." Patrick huffs. I turn back to Sophie who is looking down at the ground with a sad look. "Blue are you okay?" I rab her shoulder. 

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