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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc, are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

A/N: Not really sure what this is exactly

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A/N: Not really sure what this is exactly. A character analysis, perhaps. It was rather difficult, considering that Maven is a complex character to write. I hope I did him justice. There are also several liberties I took with Maven's time as a soldier, including Thomas. There really isn't much in canon regarding his experience, so I had to fill out various areas. This chapter solely focuses on after the canon ending of Red Queen. This is my first time tackling such a thing, so consecutive criticism would be definitely appreciated. If this does provoke some interest, I might prolong it. But otherwise, it will likely remain as an one shot. For enjoyment purposes, I would recommend listening to "Sleeping at Last" by Neptune while reading this. It was a definite motivator while I was coming up with ideas. I haven't proofread this at the time. So if you come across any huge errors, you can let me know. Without further ado, I present you my first fan fiction.

Within the waning light of the day, footsteps echoed within the throne room in succession

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Within the waning light of the day, footsteps echoed within the throne room in succession. A small sound of satisfaction emanated from the newly throned king, who now favored to position himself within the throne. Reclining back, he observed the dark room, the features only illuminated by the ebbing moon light. In all of his wildest dreams, he never had imagined he would claim the crown. The possibility of it had always remained in the background of his mind, a constant reminder of what could never be his. A frown marred his facial features at the mere thought, his pale skin blossoming silver in the wake of his memories. The life he maintained would become forgotten in time. He willed himself to forget the deep shame of being the shadow, for coveting the title, for being discarded and looked down upon.

The thought of it left an unsavory taste on his tongue. His past life was a constant pattern of being second at any endeavour, only doing adequate compared to his beloved brother. No matter his efforts, his flame only shined so bright compared to Cal. The females at court would surround Cal constantly, batting their eyelashes in favor of altogether ignoring him. Cal would be praised for his prowess in battle stratagem and his sword wielding. Cal would venture into wild expeditions with his father, invited into attending politic discussions to accompany his father. He would be the one learning how to helm the kingdom and the complexity of maintaining power.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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