O1 : Chapter 1

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: Justin's Point Of View :

"Dakota,are you alright?" I panicked 

She was lying on the ground,her eyes shut in pain as her hand lifted up to her head.I ducked my head down to avoid the bright gold sunlight coming from the sunset reflect in my eyes.I was out of the car,rushing over to her as I slid on my knees.

"He's after me" She mumbled,scared 

I already had her in my arms,hearing shouting from a distance as I jumped into the porche.

"Drive,man" I ordered Ryan,one of my best friends,who was already swirving around and away from the direction of the angry voice.

"Who is she?" Ryan asked once we were set on the highway

I brushed Dakota's hair out of her eyes as I tried to get her to open her eyes just the slightest.

"Dakota Knightly" I answered

"She your girlfriend?" Ryan asked,rounding a corner

"No" I answered,looking behind the car to see a motorcycle speeding towards us,"Full speed.Now"

Ryan checked the rearview mirror,stomping on the gas pedal.I looked back down,seeing brown mesmerizing eyes looking up at me,confused and worried mixed in them.

"Justin..." She said,"Where are we going?Where are we?"

"Don't worry,I'll get you safetly somewhere" I answered,feeling the car pull into my driveway all of a sudden

I carried Dakota into the house,Ryan coming behind us as I headed in the backdoor.Ryan beat me to it,opening it for us as I scrambled over to the house.We heard the motorcycle drive by very loudly as I set Dakota on the couch.

Ryan panted silently,"Now,who is she?" 

I sighed,"She's Scooter's niece,I met her a while back ago when I was visiting my house"

"Is she abused or something?" He asked,brushing the hair out of her face like I did to reveal a nasty bruise

"I think so,I remember her father injured us both when I got there" I said

"Wow," Ryan said,shocked,"I don't know why someone would abuse her,she's absolutely beautiful"

"Yeah,I know right" I said,smiling a little,"I heard Scooter had raised her a lot more than her parents had" I said,my smile fading

"We should tell somebody about this" Ryan said,"Has she told anyone yet?"


We looked down at Dakota,seeing her sit up as Ryan placed a hand on her back and helped her sit in a sitting position.

"Why not?" I asked

"My dad is already in jail,remember?" She said,rubbing her eyes,"My mother and brother are the ones hurting me now"

"How long has this been going on?" Ryan asked,crossing his arms

"Well,10 years" She answered,"You add being bullied in school and finish the puzzle of my crap life"

"I...I really want to help you,Dakota" I said

Ryan nodded,"Yeah,me too,we just don't know how"

"Nobody does" She answered,looking at the ground,"My life is complete hell right now,I wish Ryan wouldn't have to stop the car,I don't know how I managed to live after all the hits and punches I dealed with"

"Don't say that" I blurted,"I know you haven't known me too long but I care about you. . . a lot"

She smiled though her teeth weren't showing.I never saw her smile a real one,it was more like a smirk.

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