14 : Chapter 14

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: Dakota's Point Of View : 

I set Jaxon on the couch as he jumped around and screamed 'Hello?' in a loud voice.I quickly told Jaxon that I was gonna go look for Justin,thinking he was already out on stage as I rushed behind the curtains to see screaming fans only but no Justin.

Arms engulfed me and I screamed,smacking the person on the face as they screamed.I groaned but laughed lightly,"Justin!"

"Yeah?" He asked and I can tell he was holding his cheek because it sounded slightly muffled

"First;You have a concert to do,Second;You meanie!You kidnapped me and put me in here,I will get back at you for this!" I screamed but I felt his lips on mine next

I shook my head and pushed him out the door,"Concert,Now" I smirked

"You could have waited one more second,I was liking it" He said,smirking back

"Get on stage,boy" I said,pointing to the stage as I heard his name being shouted

"Alright,alright" He said,walking out and adjusted his microphone on his head.

"Hey guys!Sorry for being late,Dakotaaa" He said,dramatically and looked over at me after he dragged my name out,"Slapped me"

I heard a couple of "Ooh" and "Boo"'s as I made my way on stage,hearing a couple bit of laughter coming from the front row and took his mini microphone and leaned my face closer that I could feel his breathing on my face.

"You guys would do the same right if you come backstage and find no one and then have him kidnap you and put you in a closet" I said,smirking 

"It was an accident!" He said,still not breaking his gaze off from mine yet

"So you call grabbing me by the arms and dagging me 10 foot back to a closet an accident?" I emphasized,"I want all y'all to put your hands up if you think this was an accident"

Only around 200 people raised there hands as I looked back at Justin who was still staring at me with pleasure written all over his friends.

"Not an accident;Hands up" I said,monotonely as a billion colorful lights from glow sticks came up and I smiled,"Enjoy your concert,Justinn"

"Ohh no,you are gonna get it for that" He said,pulling my arm back and wrapping his arm tightly around my waist as I squirmed in his grip while his fans just laughed and snapped a couple photos.

I was finally placed in a chair after Justin had to carry and make me sit down as I stared at him confused.I reached over and grabbed his microphone dangling from his lip almost and brought his face closer to me.

"Someone tell me what is happening" I said,looking around 

"One Less Lonely Girl" Justin said,winking

"What?" I questioned

Justin's dancers came onstage as he started to sing on cue with the music.I watched in amazement at his voice and see one of the dancers hand Justin a bouqet of giant roses.I hid my face in my hands then,not wanting to know what was gonna happen next as I felt a tap on my right hand and I looked up,feeling Justin's lips on mine for a second and him placing the roses in my laps.

I rolled my eyes,feeling him pull away as he hung his arm around my shoulders.

"I hate you,your so gonna get it tonight" I whispered to Justin

He had chuckled slightly in the song as he still sang,placing a kiss on my cheek and whispered,"I know"

His fans smiled and laughed and 'Aww''ed us as he just came in front of me again to clap his fans hands.Now was my chance,I got up from the chair and layed the bouqet next to the stool and ran to the curtains but I felt myself being lifted up and carried back.Now I was making every single one of Justin's fans laugh as he turned around and smirked,thanking his dancers for having to carry me back to the stool.

I was placed in the same spot,me crossing my arms and pouting now.I was so thankful that the song ended and I was just about to get off the stool but it was picked up and moved by two of his dancers.

I rolled my eyes for like the millionth time tonight and hopped off as I picked one rose out from the bouqet and toss it in the crowd,a bunch of girls trying to reach for it as a black haired girl caught it and jumped up and down.

Justin then excused himself as I knew he was gonna come back here again.I raced to the couches and found Chaz with the Segway,Ryan Good let me borrow as he said,"Get on" real quick.

I did as told,wrapping my arms around his waist as I saw Justin round a corner and follow us.

"Justin,you got a concert to do!" I yelled

"Not now,Ryan[Good] is filling in for me" Justin said,jumping on his own Segway and speed after us then.

I noticed Chaz turned the same corner Justin had and I jumped off,causing me to knock Justin off his scooter and having it stop instantly.

I laughed and then spoke,"One,I hate you,Two,I hate you,Three,I hate you,Four,I really freaking hate you,I was embarrassed out there!"

"Hey,I thought you would like being the One Less Lonely Girl" He said,me still ontop of him as Chaz was coughing up something

"Mhm,don't pick me to be your "Baby"; I overheard some girls screaming they wanted to be it earlier" I said

"Finee" He said,"So whatcha gonna do now?"

"Get Chaz from the-Where are you Chaz?!" I screamed when I didn't find him in the pile of boxes

"In here!" I heard a muffle scream coming from inside a box

I laughed along side with Justin,seeing him remove a box as we searched for the dirty blonde hair colored boy.

"Still in here!Losing...precious...oxegon!" He still screamed

"Stop being a drama queen!" Justin said and finally removed the final box to find Chaz with white styrofoam plastered eveywhere on him.

-      -      -     -

"I'm gonna kill you Bieber!" I said,tackling him and both Ryan and Chaz on the cool grass

"Woah!Girl is strongg!" Chaz complimented

"Girl is mad!" I said back,"You got chocolate all over my hair!"

"Hey,it was Ryan's fault!I wanted to do water" Chaz said,trying to help himself even though it didnt work

"I wanted no part in this,I swear!" Justin said,trying to get me off of him but he had Chaz toppled over on him while I sat on the three teenage boys.

"You are helping me with this" I said,taking Justin's hand and dragging him inside

"Course I am,what choice do I have after you said you were gonna get me during the concert" He said and I felt his eyes burning on my back as I climbed up the stairs

"Stop.Checking.Out.My.Butt." I said,whipping around to find his eyes trailing up and his lips in a small 'o' shape.

"But I can't help it,it's right in front of me" He said,smirking

"I hate you dude" I said,picking at the chocolate stuff in my hair and then sighed,"I'll never get this stuff out"

"Come on" He said,leading me inside the bathroom now and making me sit down on the counter after he grabbed a towel and wetted it in the sink.

I kicked my legs back and forth slowly,placing my hand in the cold water and soothed the brown sticky thing out of my hair a bit.

Justin had slowly take a piece of my hair and take the chocolate out,leaning in once in a while and his eyes fixed on my lips.

"If you want to kiss me,just do it Bieber" I said,giggling

He smirked and crushed his lips against mine as I wrapped my arms around his neck.


A/N:So yeah,here it is! :)) Sorry I said I was gonna upload it like yesterday,but it's here now! :)) Should really write faster :)) xxx Vote Comment Fan ♥

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