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I liked the taste dismissed in the best way of my sister, the truth is that brother Juan just arrived to tell me that the conclave would give the beginning, he had to leave ... I fear that he left behind a family, but that Is the price that eh To pay for my decision ... You just have to go to the airport, since I have to get as far as possible to the Vatican

"Father, are you well?" Asks Brother Juan

"The truth is, no, now that I think about it, is not the price paid?

"What do you mean?" He asks puzzled

"I chose this life of faith and love for God, but I lost my family. The only thing that mattered to me - I look at the floor

"Father, do you repent?"

"No," he answered without hesitation, "I just thought how difficult this life is.

-I get it ...

Passed the hours and the destination that was the airport of Rome towards the next, when you arrive you see people dressed in black with dark glasses, in an impeccable suit holding up a sign that read "Cardinal Loud", the cardinal and his companion Drove quickly

"Cardinal Loud?" One of the men in black asked

-If I firmly answer

-We are his escort to the Vatican, follow me-they go to the outskirts of the airport and open the door of a black Mercedes, then Lincoln climbs- You do not go up-go to the young man

"Excuse me sir, but I'm not going without my right hand," exclaimed Lincoln.

When he sees that the cardinal is reused without his companion, he decides to accept taking them both.

"Thank you father," says the young man.

"Without you, not going anywhere."

The car started and began its route to the Vatican, it seemed strange and that this would be the first time that Lincoln participated in a conclave.

"Father, do you know what the youngest cardinal of the last 1,000 years is to enter the conclave?" Exclaims the second man in black sitting in the passenger seat

"That's what I told myself," exclaims young Juan.

The silence predominated in the atmosphere, Lincoln looks at Juan and makes a sign asking for something. Juan does not know what he was asking for, confused does not know.

"The Usb," Lincoln said quietly.

"Oh ..." he reached into his pocket, "have a father."

-Thank you son.

Five minutes had passed and he had arrived in the Vatican, the whole of Lincoln was astonished by such an architectural work, he had already met before the Vatican, but never participated in a conclave, only arrived, the camerlegno of the Vatican approached him.

"Father, noisy, I need to talk to you for a moment," said the old man.

"As you say, Father, John stay here," said Lincoln.

"As ordered by the father, but what I do here-look around-filled with these cameras-

At that moment Lincoln in the chapel, hurriedly followed the camerlegno who was very worried, went to the office of the Vatican. Meanwhile in the plaza Juan walked and is intercepted by a journalist.

-Hello, pardon father but can I make a note? - the office a young CNN journalist

Not like ... "He walks over to where he tells them where the cameras are.

At that moment the interview began

"Good morning everyone, we're here with Father John?" - he looks at Juan in the form of a question to confirm what he was saying - that he just got out of a car next to Cardinal Lincoln of the USA

Meanwhile at Royal Woods in a nursing home.

"Lincoln?" Asks an old woman, with her trembling hand, she grabs the glasses so she can see the news on her television. "Son?

- It is so, that Cardinal Lincoln was called to participate in the conclave, it should be clarified that he is the youngest cardinal of the last 1,000 years to participate in the conclave, many rumors say he is the favorite of many to occupy the papal throne, More information after the pause - says the journalist

-My son? Dad.

Frightened by this she gets up by holding the couch to avoid falling, she begins to walk in an expensive way, goes to the telephone and one of the nurses who was caring for the elderly stops her.

"Rita, what are you doing?" She asks worriedly as she holds up the old woman to keep her from falling.

"Call my daughter Lori, tell her that Lincoln is in the Vatican ..."

Worried about what Rita said, she takes her to her room to put her to bed, but the words she said resounded in her head and she did not refuse to do as she asked. After lying down, Rita went to the telephone with the phone book Asylum in case of extreme urgency.

"Answer ... Answer ... Hello, if I talk about asylum," exclaimed the young nurse

"Maybe something with my mother?" Worried answered the voice over the phone

"No, he just told me to call you and tell you that Lincoln is in the Vatican, something like that said ... I thought it would be important

At that moment silence prevailed.

Hello, hello, are you there? "Hangs up the phone.

Meanwhile in the papal office.

"Cardinal Lincoln, we know that you do not have an ideal age to be Pope ... for that reason we ask that your votes be given to Cardinal Divelli," exclaims the camerlegno

"It would be a pleasure ... only that-raise the memory Usb-I have other plans ... the deal is that I will be the next pope.

-What do you say ?, you can not threaten us with a pendrive-between laughs said

- You say? - In a synthetic way I answer - I lost my family, I have no one but God ... he showed me the truth and here in my hands I have it.

- Are you extorting me? - seriously answered the camerlegno

- No, no ... I just do not know if many liked what appears in this memory - stares the camerlegno eyes that seemed to shake - do not be afraid Camerlengo, when the next pope you will be protected by my ... everything File that appears here that compromises as ... the altar servers of the church of the new victory, will be behind

-How he knows that !! - frightened I exclaim with little voice-that neither my assistant knew ...

"I do not know, maybe God showed it to me ..." Lincoln gets up and walks to the window. "Imagine what we could do if I were the Pope.

The silence predominates in the room, Lincoln seeing of synch form, hard and without hesitation approaches the camerlegno

"Listen well, Cardinal Lincoln, this church hangs by a thread ... the cardinal's advice will not allow you to be the new pope, I assure you

"If I am not the new pope ... no one else will be, so quote the other cardinals just as you have done with me ... and I better be the next" holy father "- he stares into the eyes with a Macabre smile

"You're the devil!" Shouting the camerlegno

"Perhaps ..." Lincoln retires from the papal office.

"I'll do it now ..." the camerlegno exclaimed as he looked at the ceiling of the room, "God ... I will do

Meanwhile at Royal Woods the family that was for a long time apart was reunited, but this time ... would not be the same as before.

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