Hate times

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All the sisters gathered in Lori's house as she would have agreed, all in silence, looking into each other's eyes that reflected fear and hatred in them.

"Sisters, we are the same blood after all, all of the past we have to forget," exclaimed Lori as he approached a rate of coffee.

"So why did you meet us here, sister?" Lana asked.

-For this-turns on the television that in it was the news of Cardinal Loud

All intrigued, they bowed their heads in silence.

"Then, we know it was our brother's ... now if you'll excuse me I'll leave," Lana exclaimed with dismay in her voice and gaze as her sister Lola followed behind.

"After leaving us, the truth is that * toce * I do not want to know about him ..." Leni rises and leaves the house.

"We'll leave our brother behind," Lynn exclaims.

"Sister ... I did not have a brother, when I was ten, he was gone, Lisa is what I had as my sister," exclaims Lily and takes the rate of tea.

-Lily, do not say that ... as Lori said and as science says ... we have the same blood.

"Luan, what do you say?" He winks at Luan.

"That Luna left me, he came to my house to visit me and just went to the conclave ... did not want to say anything and when I saw him I felt like slapping him for years of absence.

"You know I have more right than you to that," Lily said with a laugh.

"I think ... we should go talk to our brother and fix everything," Lucy exclaimed in a voice of anguish.

"After I insult you and hurt you physically?" Lynn was amazed at the words her sister uttered.

Meanwhile in the Vatican a war between heaven and earth was unleashed, the camerlegno frightened by what Cardinal Lincoln had told him he did not know what to do, but after thinking so much and finding no solution, he had no choice but to go to Talk to the cardinals and beg them to choose Cardinal Loud when the conclave officially begins. Before that he goes to the Vatican gardens where he begins to walk from side to side reciting prayers so that he can clear his mind.

-This is very strange-look at the sky- Who could give you that information? He is a young cardinal, as he may know so much

At that moment a little boy comes running to the camerlegno's arms and hands him an envelope.

"What is this Child?"

When he said these words, he ran. The camerlegno curious about what was there decided to open the envelope and in it was written "Era novus incipit" which in English meant The New Age Begins. Frightened by this he throws the envelope and goes as fast as he can to the papal office. When he arrives at the office, he lies down in bed, but first orders all the cardinals to be summoned.

"God ... give me the wisdom you have given to Salomon ..." At that moment he heard a knock on the door, "Come on, it's open."

At that moment a man comes in dressed in black suit and dark glasses. Frightened by the presence of such a man the camerlegno is about protecting.

"Do not worry, Camerlengo, I will not hurt you ... we just want you to choose Cardinal Loud-he comes to the desk and takes a pen-that it is clear that Cardinal Loud has to be the new pope.

"Shall I send you the carnal?"

"No ... no, no ... he does not send us ... he does not even know who we are, or because we want him ..."


"Then he will be the next pope and you will do what I say, convince all the cardinals, you better hurry," he watches his watch, "that the conclave is about to begin

After a few hours of everything happened and the passage from the Pauline Chapel to the Sistine Chapel began, all the cardinals of each country began their march of faith while they sang the litanies of the saints of east and west. Upon reaching the Sistine Chapel all the cardinal electors chant the "Veni Creator" to invoke the Holy Spirit, all began to sing less Lincoln than began late but looking at the sky of the chapel with a grimace of pure evil on his face, Reluctant to sing, he had not noticed that. They proceeded to take oath.

- Cardinal Lincoln, Jura keep the secrets of the conclave.-The cardinal looks terrified at Lincoln

"I swear," he responds with a smile.

When all the oaths had been completed before God began the conclave, the room was sealed and voting began, one by one they were given a letter where they had to place the last name of the cardinal whom they wanted to choose. All the cardinals were seated and Lincoln was in the midst of Cardinal Torres of Argentina and Cardinal Loues of France, both cardinals looked at him with fear of Lincoln but he only smiled, that macabre smile gave fear to whoever looked at it, but all the cardinals Frightened by what happened they asked for a prologa for the vote, the cardinal in chief who was in charge of the election allowed it. By those years the cardinals had been allowed to go out into the Vatican's internal gardens, it was seven o'clock when Lincoln went to a chair and looked up at the sky.

-Beautiful night...

"You know, son, you'll be a great dad." An old man dressed as a Jesuit is approaching behind the shadows.

"Thank you, Cardinal Torres, but you have not won yet ..."

-Oh ... c'mon, we all had the talk with the camerlegno, the very frightened we begged that we vote for you. But the reason is logical.

"Logica?" I answer as I look at the floor.

"You're young, handsome, and you have a future ahead of you." He approached Cardinal Lincoln. "But why do you want to be a pope?"

"I do not want to be ... someone wants me to be." He looks at the cardinal.

"I apologize ... but my question was, why did you choose this path of faith?

-Oh ... well, it all started when I came home one night, I would be about 16 years old, that was the worst night of my life ... I made so many mistakes - he looks at his cross - and it hurts a lot of people I really wanted.

"I do not understand ..." he said weakly.

- I arrived that night of March 14, I do not forget the date ... it was four in the morning, my parents were traveling ... then ...

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