one; "i think niklaus and i have some catching up to do."

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Papers were scattered on the floor, bookshelves tipped over. Things were moved into piles and burned. Hundreds of vampires—all from Klaus' sire line—stood at the perimeter of the mess, having caused it all.

The notorious hybrid walked in, his sister's hand in his, pushing through the horde of the people whose lives he'd ruined.

"Well, look whose decided to grace us with his presence!" Marcel shouted sarcastically, a smile laced with pain on his immortal lips.

"I have nothing to hide, Marcel. You wish to put me on trial for my many grievous sins. Well, go on! Have at it!" A malicious smirk came to Klaus' face, only angering Marcel further.

And from that point on, Marcel lectured on about what he has done to the sires who had come to witness his death. About how he has ruined their live; created orphans, widows. Soon, Rebekah jumped in to help defend him, though her curse ruined her so-called 'help.'

"Death is too good for him!" she shouted, holding onto her cursed wrist as she watched Marcel near Klaus. Despite her curse ruining what she tried to do, it seemed this may have caused a better result.

He then turned to where Klaus was trembling with anger, anger directed straight to Marcel. "Take him!"

Six vampires took hold of his arms and legs, lifting him and bringing him to Marcel, where he waited with Papa Tunde's cursed blade. "For Davina, Diego, Thierry, Gia, Cami, and the boy I used to be. The one you once called your son." Marcel stabbed Klaus in the heart with the blade, incapacitating him further and forcing him to suffer the pain of the blade. The crowd placed Klaus on the ground at his feet before leaving the compound, cheers leaving their throats as they went to celebrate the success of their revenge. Marcel, however, stayed and stared at his body, watching him wither in pain.

He knew he made this choice a long time ago—even before Elijah ripped his heart out and threw him off that bridge, but his emotions conflicted him. Klaus had both ruined and saved his life in so many ways. He took him from being a slave boy and raised him, gave him a chance at life. Then, he forbade his love for Rebekah and abandoned him when their city burned. He then came back and ruined what he rebuilt after they fled. He simultaneously hated and loved the man before him.

As he stood there, staring at the tortured body of his former sire, Belle decided to make her presence known. "Marcellus Gerard, where are you, you bastard?"

"Belle?" He shouted back, shocked, as she quickly sped to him. He was surprised he could still recognize her voice after so many years. However, that surprise was immediately masked by the realization that she was alive.

"What did you do to him?" She quickly crouched next to Klaus. Her Niklaus.

Marcel couldn't help but stare at her for a moment. This was the one "Mikaelson" he never got the chance to resent. She was his mother for centuries before she—like him—faced Mikael's wrath. He also believed her to be dead after what happened all those years ago. Unlike the rest of the family, he never heard her name bounce around as rumors, but now she was here—alive.

"Stabbed him with a blade filled with some nasty ju-ju." Marcel eventually spoke, recovering from the new slew of emotions that wracked him at Belle's appearance.

Belle looked into his eyes for a moment. "I'm sorry we have to meet again under these circumstances," her voice was soft, almost a whisper as tears fought to leave her eyes. "It's been over a century now, and you've changed and grown so much." She let out a teary smile, bringing her hand up to touch his cheek softly.

"How are you alive?" Marcel couldn't help but ask, his voice almost as soft as hers. "I asked them about you when they came back but they all said you were dead."

Belle let out a sad laugh, dropping her hand back to her side. "I practically was for a time. Mikael held me hostage and desiccated me. I only escaped a decade or so ago," she admitted, her eyes never leaving his face. "I want you to know I don't blame or hate you for what you've done to Niklaus," she paused glancing down at her friend before tearing her eyes away, hating to see him suffer. "I know what he did, what my whole family has done, but please know I will always love you. You were my son a hundred years ago and you are my son now." Marcel couldn't help but smile at her kind words. Seeing her here, alive and breathing, made him realize just how much he really missed her. "But I have a tough request. Will you dagger me? I think Niklaus and I have some catching up to do."

Marcel, despite his initial shock and sadness at her words, silently nodded. He should've known she wouldn't leave him. Quickly, with his speed, he got a dagger—the only dagger he had in his possession. He held it to her chest as she gave him an encouraging nod. "I hope you know I never plan on letting Klaus go. He's ruined far too many lives and I won't let him ruin any more."

Belle looked at him for a moment, thinking over his words before nodding. "That's okay. If you ever want to talk, you can come join us and hop into my head for a visit. I don't mind." Before Marcel could respond, she forced his hand forward, driving the dagger into her own heart with a slight gasp. Being daggered was not something Belle had experienced more than once. When The Five originally thought they would take their lives all those centuries ago—that was the first and last time she was daggered. The feeling was something she remembered and hated, but she refused to regret this choice.

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