❝ trappin' part one ❞

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That chilly December breeze smacked my face harshly. It's always cold in New York but I enjoy it. The time was 11:56 at night on Sunday. I've been out here with Alex and Romero for about two hours. The three of us work for Victor Hernandez, Brooklyn's most dangerous drug lord. I met him awhile aho while walking to the store. He showed me how to deal and run these streets. He can be harsh sometimes but that's just his personality. I leaned against the cold brick wall, letting out a frustrated groan. This guy Pac hasn't showed up yet with Victor's money and we have to stay out here until then.

"It's too cold for this shit bruh!" Romero snapped causing me to jump. He has a hot temper, well actually we all do. Living in Brooklyn you can't be soft. Niggas get murdered for even looking at you the wrong way. But me? I'm respected around here because of my aggression and rough demeanor. I've always been isolated. I don't fuck with many people because no one can be trusted. It's survival out here. Go hard or go home.

"Hell yeah... tell Victor he ain't coming Zonnique" Alex added looking over at me.

I wrinkled up my face before laughing. "Victor ain't gone curse me out cause y'all niggas cold. Get over it. Nobody told you to wear that thin ass North Face"

"Mane fuck this I'm going home!" Alex sucked his teeth before walking away. His funeral. Romero began going after him but I grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Let him go Ro"

"Aight man.. but I'm not staying out here all night son. Where that kid Pac stay at anyways?"

"According to Vic he lives in Glenns Manor in that white house"

"We gon' find out let's go" he ordered before jogging over to his all black truck. I walked behind and made my way in the passenger seat.

Romero cut his heat on along with the radio before driving. I rubbed my hands together creating more warmth. Within five minutes my body was at regular temperature. As he drove I thought about a few suspect things. Ever since earlier, Alex had been bugging about us not making deals with this Pac guy. Then suddenly he just leave us? Something ain't right. I quickly dug in my duffle bag grabbing my semi automatic and pocket knife. I brushed my natural hair in big thick bun before looking out the window. Romero pulled up by the woods just across the two story homes also known as Glenns Manor.

"You strapped?"  He asked.

"No shit sherlock holmes. Lets hurry up and go find this money because I have school tomorrow" I sighed before hopping out the car.

We ran towards the ladder on the side of the huge white two story home. This had to be his spot. Word is Pac stole ten thousands dollars from Victor recently. Victor wants his money tonight and if he doesn't get it, there will be a lot of crime scenes. I silently crawled up the metal ladder using my black leather gloves. Ro was behind me, moving slightly slower.

"Stop looking at my ass!"

"Stop yelling Nique, nobody told you to wear them tight ass leggings" he mumbled causing me to roll my eyes slightly. For the longest time Romero has had a crush on me but I'm not into dating. I don't have time for chasing after no guy, it's pointless to me.

Once we reached the padio, I crepr towards the wall leaning on it. Inside the house I heard loud music playing and many voices. Shit. This isn't going to be as easy as I thought. I swiftly peeked inside to see an empty bedroom.

"This must be his room" I whispered glancing back at Romero.

He nodded and tucked his gun in waist. "We going in.."

"What if somebody's in there?"

"You scared my nigga?" he asked with a smirk.

Immediately I punched him in the stomach and rolled my eyes. "Zonnique is never scared fuck boy"

"Ow damn! You hit like a man-"

"Shhh..  someone is coming" I hissed crouching down, looking inside the window.

A dark skinned man with a red bandana, and flashy clothes stepped inside the room. He closed the door behind him then looked around nervously. He grabbed the big picture from the wall revealing a safe. I watched him carefully put the combination: 23-12-15. Gotcha. He stuffed two stacks of cash in before locking the safe and hanging the picture back up.

"That's Pac" Ro informed me as we stood back up.

I nodded in understandment slowly opening the patio door. I stepped on the brown carpet floors, carefully not making a sound. Everything in his room was white. I shook my head then scurried over to the painting.

"Stand by the door and make sure nobody's coming" I told Ro taking the picture down.

"Word.. aye take all that shit Nique. We deserve half for going through all this" he scoffed causing me to smirk.

I put the combination in and opened up the safe. My eyes widened looking at the crispy stacks. It had to be at least thirty grand in there. I quickly grabbed everything stuffing in into the duffle bag. As I began closing the safe I heard voices coming closer. Fuck!

"Come on Zonnique!" Ro yelled and the door slammed open. That's when all hell broke loose...

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