❝ set up ❞

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I paced around the hotel room patiently waiting for Zoey. He should be here any moment now. Its nine in the morning, meaning I have almost four hours left. My heart is pumping so fast its unbelievable. In four hours I could possibly die. This shit is fucking crazy. I stopped pacing and glanced down at my ankle: 3:59.The time is just flying. Shit Zoey where are you? I pulled my hair in frustration and sat on the edge of the bed. So many thoughts are racing through my head. Mostly pertaining to my little sister. She needs me in her life, we're all we got honestly. My parents chose me to be her guardian and I'll be damn if I let them down. Suddenly a knock at the door caused me to hop up immediately. I ran over and opened it. There stood a guy with a weird mustache and funny clothes.

"Zoey?" I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

He nodded then lifted the mustache. "Duh."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, as he stepped inside. I realized he wore the disguise because he's still wanted. Anyway it just felt amazing being able to touch him again. I've missed him alot. When we're apart I feel incomplete, like I'm missing a part of myself.

"I knew you were going to come."

"If I say I'll do something, I do it. You should know that by now Nique." He replied taking the mustache and funny hat off. "The fuck is that cyborg shit on your ankle? I knew robots was real bruh-"

"Zoey please. You've gotten very ignorant since we've been away from eachother. I'm trying to be serious and you're making me laugh." I glared at him.

"Can you just answer my question?"

"Its a fucking bomb! Three hours and forty minutes before I explode."

Zoey widened his eyes. "Damn that nigga smart, I wouldn't have guessed he'd be two steps ahead."

"Exactly and I'm screwed. Either way one of us are gonna die- probably me."

"Aye don't say no shit like that Zonnique. You know I'm not gon let nothing happen to you. If anything I'll let them kill me first." He said seriously holding up my chin making me look at him.

I sighed. "How are we gonna do this? If we kill Victor, I still have the bomb on my ankle."

"First things first we need to get rid of thar bomb." Zoey mumbles and unzip his duffle bag. I watch as he pulls out a pair of pliers and a screw driver.

"Whats that for?"

"Sit on the bed."


"Nique can you stop being annoying and sit on the bed?"

I kissed my teeth then did just that. "Now?"

"Now shut up and let me do what the fuck I came to do." He ordered in a stern voice. 

Damn. He'll switch personalities on your ass in seconds. Can't say I didn't like it when he takes control. I watched him as he twisted and screwed things on the device. He got frustrated noticing that it wouldn't budge. It had to be a way for it to come of though. Zoey continued working on that while I sat there, impatiently.




"What Zonnique, what?" He looked up at me.

"I was just going to say there's aanother screw on the side part." I said pointing my finger at it.

He raised his eyebrow. "That isn't a screw.... its a button."

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