❝ deeper than the ocean ❞

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"Give me my phone!" Zonnique whined reaching up for it.

"No." I simply replied smirking and raising it higher into the air.

"Stop being an asswhole. I'm going to be late for work Zoey..." she pouted gesturing to the strip club. I shrugged and slipped the phone into my jeans pocket. "Oh my fucking god!"

"Just stay here again..." I suggested.

"I stayed last night. Give me my damn phone so I can leave-"

"If I don't?"

Her face grew red and she folded her arms, turning her back towards me. I knew she was mad so I crept up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. Zonnique began squirming away trying to move my hands.

"You're not going to work tonight." I murmured against her neck while kissing it. Her weakness.

"Zoeeeee get off me." She moaned as my tongue came in contact with her neck. I gently sucked on one particular spot, causing her to grow weak. "O-Okay stop please."

"Why?" I laughed rubbing her sides and resting my head on her shoulder.

"Because," Zonnique pulled away from me and turned around. "You said we were only friends. Friends do not do all of this. So therefore keep your horny ass away from me."

"Who said I was horny?" I asked in a confused manner. She grinned and pointed down at my pants; where my friend was getting top damn excited.

Zonnique shook her head. "You should go fix that."

"Shut up." I mumbled while walking down the hallway.

•  •  •  •  •


I sat on the couch, playing this game call Cookie Jam. Guess I'm not going to work tonight. I didn't feel like it honestly so whatever. Zoey doesn't like me working at the strip club but he knows why I'm doing it. Lately we've been growing close - too close actually. I stayed over his house last night and we slept in the same bed. Usually I'd get on the couch but I didn't. Things between us are weird. We bicker like siblings but flirt crazily afterwards. Like earlier when he was sucking on my neck. Gosh. I almost had an 'accident' between my legs. Luckily I didn't so thats great. I suspected Zoe was in the shower trying to fix his little problem. Well big problem. I blushed then locked my phone. There's something seriously wrong with me.

I went to the kitchen and looked through his snack cabinet. I pushed my lips together then grabbed the big bag of nacho cheese Doritos. I opened them up and grabbed a pineapple soda from the fridge. Moments later Zoe walked inside the kitchen. He was dressed up in his black shorts, jordan's, a white shirt with the words supreme written across the front in red and his army fatigue bucket hat.

"Are you leaving or something?" I asked confusingly and sipped my soda.

"We're about to go to this bonfire so put your stuff on."

"I love how you never run shit by me first." I said with much sarcasm walking into the living room. He followed after and chuckled.

"Because I run shit and you don't."

I put my shoes on then looked up at him. "Zoey don't play with me."

"I'm not playing." He snarled and grabbed his car keys.

"Whatever lets go."

Honestly I was excited. I've always wanted to go to one of these but my parents never took me. A bonfire is when everyone gathers at a beach, a fire is started in the middle and its just a good time. We arrived at the beach around nine o'clock. It was packed with people too. I got out the car and followed Zoey onto the beach. I took off my sneakers, holding them in my left hand. There was some type of reggae music playing and the vibe was cool I guess. Zoey looked like he didn't want to be here honestly.

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