11. really

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**picture: Boston in November

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**picture: Boston in November

"What d'you mean, no?"

Gillian thought Cassidy's voice gave away a lifetime of positive answers to most of his requests. Oh, well. Tough world, grow up.

"Just that, sir: no. We're not going to DC. We can work on the case from here just the same."

"You're gonna need the Hive."

"And we can work with them in real time from here. It's called the internet, sir."

Cassidy ignored her sarcasm and narrowed his eyes, suspicious. "And you're gonna miss the chance to visit Brockner for a week or two?"

She frowned—what? "Weren't we talking about the militia?"

Cassidy arched only one eyebrow. "Are you trying to fool me or yourself?"

She kept frowning as if he'd spoken in tongues.

"Look, Gillian, I just finished my two weeks sleeping in the couch, after your great idea of calling me 'baby' over the phone on speaker. So I ain't staying in Boston any longer to be welcome to the dog house."

"I can understand that, sir. We all have our priorities."

Cassidy flashed one of his little smirks. "Give me one good reason to let you guys stay in Boston."

"Only if you give me one good reason to go to DC."

"I asked first."

"Meaning you have none? Save keeping the wife happy, of course."



"The eyes of the whole Bureau are on us, and on the case."

"We'll keep you up step by step, so you can report to them."

Cassidy rolled his eyes.

"With all due respect, sir, DC sucks. This is big and we need to stay focused. But we can't do that with those big shots lurking around twenty-four/seven, be it to recruit us for other units, to eavesdrop on us or question us to no end about stupid details. In DC, no one tells you where the damn restroom is before assessing the pros and cons of being seen in league with you. But here we feel supported instead of observed. Here we help each other whenever we can, not only when it can push our fed careers. And that allows us to do a better job. So please, sir. You handle that political shit you love, and let us stay here and bring down those sons of a thousand bitches."

Cassidy listened to her very serious, nodding now and then. When she finished, he shrugged slightly. "Fair enough."

Gillian took her turn to shoot a suspicious look. He'd given up so easily? Cassidy?

He stood up to leave the small office by Cooper's and paused by the door, one hand on the knob, one hand in his pocket.

"Y'know? For a moment I thought you felt kinda guilty. Like, killing Balken was wrong 'cause you did it to protect two people you care about. That would've been funny, but awfully wrong. And it would've explained why you don't wanna go to DC—to keep your distance from Brockner 'cause you think he makes you weak, and to avoid being praised for something you feel so wrong." He shrugged with a quick smile and opened the door. "Glad to know I'm wrong. Keep me up."

Gillian would've hated his guts, had she not been so busy gawking at the closing door.

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