14. unspoken

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On her way out of the federal building, Gillian deleted Cassidy's text-'Way to go Mrs

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On her way out of the federal building, Gillian deleted Cassidy's text-'Way to go Mrs. Brockner.' She kept thinking of Brock's scowl when she'd forced him to explain himself to the brass. She owed him an apology. Yet she couldn't bring herself to call him. Because she was dying to hear him, and have at least a little conversation with him-maybe even ask how he was doing. But she was afraid he'd be colder than usual with her. And after this new round with her father, and heading to an empty home, Brock's rejection would only hurt.

So she called Taylor. Monday evening, he wasn't working on anything urgent, so he should be available for dinner and desserts. What? He wasn't? Gillian got in her car, frowning at his vague, embarrassed answer-plans! C'mon!

"...but we can have breakfast tomorrow if you want." Too quick to offer alternatives. And wasn't he keeping his voice low?

She couldn't help a scoff. "You rascal! How long's been this going on? Alright, breakfast tomorrow. For three. I wanna meet'er."

Taylor sounded at the brink of a heart attack, and managed to whisper his exclamation. "W-what!?"

"I said I wanna meet'er."

"You wanna meet my mom?"

"Oh, c'mon! Don't play such a dirty gambit on me!"

Taylor took his turn to scoff. "You don't believe me? Hang on. Hey, Mom! When's Jen's birthday? I always forget it!"

Gillian's eyes widened when she heard the voice of an old woman coming closer as she replied, "Good Lord! It's April 27th. How come you don't remember your own sister's birthday?"

"Sorry, Mom. Thanks."

"Dinner in ten, so you better drop that phone and go wash your hands."

Gillian couldn't help a chuckle.

"Now you believe me?" asked Taylor, chuckling with her. "Sorry, Reg. No threesomes coming up any time soon. Breakfast tomorrow, then?"

"Early breakfast."

"Oh, yes."

Gillian disconnected and started her car, still laughing under her breath. Whenever she thought of Taylor, she hoped he'd find somebody to build a solid relationship. Because she knew what an excellent man he was, and he deserved much more than what she could ever give him. However, she also knew that when that day came, she'd miss like hell the way he always managed to lift her mood, even with a simple call.

Still she didn't feel at all like going back to her empty nest, so she called Russell. His first words after hello was one of his magic formulas: Mom's lasagna. Russell's mother was even a better cook than her son, and those two words put Gillian on the way to Mrs. Coleman's place.

Distracted by what had just happened with Taylor, and with the promise of a nice evening with her friend, she felt she could call Brock without ending up with a list of fast and painless ways to commit suicide.

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