10. a little action

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**picture: Harvard Yard, Harvard University, Cambridge MA

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**picture: Harvard Yard, Harvard University, Cambridge MA

Just like she expected, Monday came bearing gifts. At noon, a bomb threat in Harvard got the whole field office on high alert.

Cooper had Helen call both Boston and Cambridge Commissioners and Harvard Police Chief right away, to inform all of them she'd send a counterterrorism squad to take on the investigation, since any bomb threat was a matter of national security due to the current alert.

At the same time, in the team's office, Ron got Jules' call. He put his phone on speaker as the team gathered around him.

"Hey, guys," Jules said, as if they'd seen him just last week. "Tell me, Ron, d'you still have those beeping thingies you made?"

"Sure. Five small scanners, the size of a phone. Two larger ones."

"Like the one we used on the blasted building last year?"

"Yes, that one," replied Aldana, ignoring Ron's questioning scowl—you used one of my scanners without asking me?

"All of them could come in really handy, y'know. And you guys too."

Jules was still saying it when Gillian launched herself to Cooper's office.

The Iron Lady kept snorting after the Cambridge Commissioner's polite refusal to get any federal help further than the NSA protocols required, and arched her eyebrows at hearing Gillian.

"Agent Dillon and his team are on the investigation. This is CT turf."

"I know, ma'am. But we can still lend a hand with the search."

"Cambridge PD is assisting HUPD, and Boston sent the Bomb Squad and the SCU, along with the Fire Department. They have it under control."

"Captain Jules with the Fire Department doesn't seem to agree, ma'am."

Cooper held Gillian's eyes in a cold silence.

"Look, ma'am, they have a lot of ground to cover and you have the best explosives expert and the best equipment. And it's the Fire Department asking."

Gillian thought she saw tiny sparks as the air in the way of Cooper's glare got frosted. She sighed.

"I know, ma'am. First we rush over to Maine, then Akron, now this. I get you're wondering whether it was a mistake, picking me to cover for you last month, 'cause now you feel your authority's been undermined. But I can promise that's not the situation. At all. It's just that we have the means, we know the drill, and we're dying to lend a hand."

Cooper's silence was a very graphic explanation of how mammoths have been found with food in their stomach after freezing instantly. She leaned back in her armchair and raised only one eyebrow. When she spoke, her voice set off Gillian's alarms up to Extinction Level Event.

"Next time you try to profile me, I'll sign the suspension report Brockner filed back in September."

Gillian looked down with a quick, repentant nod.

Cooper dropped her pen on her desk, a short clatter to catch Gillian's attention. "We need something more official than an old friend asking."

"Sure, ma'am. You name it."

"A call from that captain would do."

"You got it, ma'am. Right away."

"Tell him to call me and get your team ready."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Cooper waited for Gillian to meet her eyes. The window glass cracked as the temperature kept dropping.

"Prove me wrong."

Gillian frowned, because she never thought she'd be right about Cooper's feelings. She nodded again, not hiding her concern.

"I will." It was a promise.

The Iron Lady glanced at the door and Gillian hurried out. Alone again in her office, Cooper allowed her lips to purse at the brink of a smile. Gillian's reaction to her words was all the proof she needed.

Gillian headed back to the team's office, feeling awkwardly worried about Cooper's suspicion—what her senior officer might think had never been an issue for her before.

She was about to call Jules when her phone buzzed. Her concerned frown turned to a scowl. Before picking up, she stuck her head into the office. "Ron! Tell Jules to call Cooper asap! Then we're good to go!" She took the call with a deep breath. "Gillian."

"Reg! Is Connor there with you? Where is he? Is he okay?"

Gillian moved the phone away from her ear, to look at it as if asking, 'What the hell!?'

"Come again?" she said.

King Gillian sounded really upset. She didn't remember the last time she'd ever heard him like this. "Connor! I've been calling him, but he wouldn't pick up!"

"Because he's in a class." What the hell was wrong with her father?

"What!? He cannot be in class! We're evacuating the Science Center and all the buildings around the Yard!"

Gillian narrowed her eyes, finally understanding. She really wished she could slap her father. Hard. With a chair.

"You sure he's okay?" he asked before she could say anything. "I gave orders to locate him, but—"

She disconnected with an annoyed snort. A little too late to play the caring grandfather. He hadn't even called Connor on his birthday. And he didn't remember which college his grandson attended.

She felt grateful when an agent her age approached her. It was Thomas Dillon, leader of the CT squad of the field office. Gillian liked him and his group, mostly because they loved field work and never gave up until they caught their guy.

"You guys going to Harvard, Gillian?" he asked.

"Yeah, hopefully. They asked us to help with the search. You?"

"Yeah, we're leaving in five."

"Good. Need some techs? Mine are available."

"That'd be great, 'cause the threat was an email."

Dillon's nice smile made her smile back and she motioned for him to go with her to the team's office.

"T, Kurt, you're on with Dillon and his squad on this. The threat was an email."

"Bring it on, Agent Dillon!" replied Kurt, rubbing his hands together.

"I'll have it sent to you in a while," said Dillon.

Another agent of the CT squad called him and he excused himself.

The team was ready to leave with the cases containing Ron's scanners. Gillian looked back at Cooper's office and saw her on the phone. The Iron Lady looked up, met Gillian's eyes and nodded. The team hurried to the elevators.

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