Chapter 3-The City of Vale

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We woke up early in the morning so I could head out on the first ship.Me, Ruby,Yang and Tai walked to the landing area.As we walked my Ghost told me stuff about this world that he learned while I slept last night,like how this world hasn't reached space technology yet,and how this world has lots of discrimination with something called  a faunus. The walk was short only about 20 minutes.

Once we got to the ship,It was already boarding.Before I got on the ship I turned to Tai

Y/N: Thank you for your hospitality and letting a stranger into your home.

Tai smiled

Tai: Your welcome anytime.I hope you come visit sometime.

I had my armor on so he couldn't see my face anymore.Then I turned to Ruby.

Y/N: I'll show you all those weapons some other time.

She smiled and waved to me

Ruby: I really wanna see some more weapons sometime.

Then I looked at Yang and she grinned and waved to me.

Yang: See you at the school

Yeah the school.Beacon.

I got onto the ship and sat on a bench.The ship took off a few minutes later.As we were in the air I wondered how my home was and where Emma and Garret were.I also wondered what the city life is like in this world.Then I realized something.

Y/N: Ghost wheres my ship?

Ghost: Your ship is badly damaged. It was used in the fight against the Cabal back home and is not space ready yet but,its waiting for you.

I felt so dumb.I could have just called my ship this whole time.I guess trying to learn about this world was my excuse for not using it.When the ship finally arrived at the city the first thing I noticed was that it was a lot bigger then The last city on Earth.The building were huge.This place was definitely not as advanced as Earth but, it had some odd differences.There building were from the past but there shops were all futuristic.
I walked through the streets of Vale and looked from shop to shop.
Ghost: This world is fascinating.
Y/N: We should focus on finding the others.

We spent the rest of the day looking around for them and asking citizens if they had seen them.No one said they had.When the sun started to set we decided to call it a night and decided the best place to stay for the night was my ship.I teleported back to my ship.It was in the woods and floating a little above the ground.It was a Future was cult ship.The ship was completely smooth with red,yellow,and blue clots across the whole ship and the FWC symbol on the side.The back opened up and a lift slide out and I walked inside.It was a small space but it would do for the night.I walked over to my bed.The bed was right next to the front seat of the ship.I laid down still in my armor.
My Ghost appeared next to me concerned.
Ghost: Guardians don't usually sleep
I sighed

Y/N: I just feel like it tonight for some reason.

The Ghost looked puzzled but gave up.
Ghost: Your the boss.

and with that he disappeared.

As I started to fall asleep and had a horrible thought.What if I can't find them?The next morning I woke up and went back out to the city.I continued to ask people but they kept saying they hadn't seen them.

Ghost: Maybe people are afraid of your outfit?
At this point I would try anything to find them so I went shopping for.....cloths. Not my ideal morning.
After I went shopping the cloths I bought fit in with the locals.I wore A black T-shirt with my own custom logo in the front. The shirt said in big purple colors FWC.I wore blue jeans for my pants.When I left the store the Ghost talked to me.

Ghost: you look a hundred years younger!

I sighed.I did look like a average teen now though,this made me feel weird.
I walked up to the first person I saw and up to them and asked if they had seen anyone in weird looking armor.
random man: Yes!I saw to odd looking people walk towards Beacon They wore armor I've never seen before....."
It wasn't much to go on but it was a start. I said thanks to the person and ran towards the school.

It took me a while to find the school but when I found it I ran to the gates.The schools main gate was shut.

Ghost: No way in.The security is to tight along the walls and the fence.

I was frustrated a thought for a second

Y/N: What am I supposed to do now?

Ghost: unknown.I am not scanning any nearby guardians though.

I had no idea what to do.I tried to think of what the others would do.I tried to find them and I couldn't .I had no idea on how to go home and I was completely lost in a new world.

Y/N: Ghost,learn more about this world.Hack,read,everything.We need to know about this place.I'm going to go explore the city.

He understood and remained silent.I walked back into the city to think about what I should do and what would come next.

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