Chapter 5-My First Day of School

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Back on earth........

Inside a Cabal command ship,above the last city,the leader of the Cabal Empire Ghaul sat in his metal throne chair.He looked out the window as his ships flew across his view.The city was there's.

A cabal walked up to him.he turned his chair around to face him.

Cabal captain:Scans report that some of the travelers light has escaped to a unknown location.

Ghaul sighed

Ghaul: The light can not escape.Find a way to follow it. Use and exterminate it by any means necessary.

The Cabal nodded and walked off.

Ghaul: The light will not escape.I must prove my worth.

He stood up and pressed a button on his chair.A compartment opened up above him.A man was chained to the ship.The man was lowered to the floor,chains still on.

Ghaul:Now speaker.How can one defeat your lights power for good?

The speaker was silent.


The speaker was tazed for what felt like a eternity until he spoke.

Speaker:The traveler will always protect us and we will protect it.You cannot take away the light.

Ghaul thought for a moment. Suddenly he had a idea. Ghaul smiled under his mask and chuckled.

Ghaul:I believe I can.

Back in Remnant......


After the meeting with Ozpin I went back to my ship.I was so confused I started to get a headache.I was going to school tomorrow.Me.A guardian.

Ghost:Think of it as a way to hone your abilities.

Y/N:Gee thanks for that Ghost.

Ghost:No problem!Its my job!

The ghost clearly couldn't tell when I was being sarcastic.

The next day rolled around and I debated for some time either to take my ship to school or to ride the ship everyone else was riding.I decided to go with everyone else.I went back into town and went to where the ships were docked.I walked onto one and looked out the window.I had my full armor on so lots of people were worried when they saw me walk on.As the ship left the dock I noticed Ruby and Yang get on at the last second.I walked over to them and greeted them as they walked on.

Y/N: Hey! Long time no see.

I was not much of a people person. I️ only had a few friends, like my fireteam back home and I️ didn't talk much during raids or PvP.

Ruby:oh...hey Y/N.

Yang: Hey! hows it been?

Y/ know. Learning about this place and stuff.

Yang:that's cool.....

The conversation wasn't"t really going anywhere because I think Ruby was worried.she didn't really talk and she looked sad.

Y/N:hey,Ruby.wanna see some of my guns?I've got Rockets,Snipers,shotguns....

Ruby:huh? Yeah sure.

I showed her a few guns.I tried to help her but I was never really good at this.Finally I just came out and said it.

Y/N:Ruby what's wrong? You can tell me.


Yang:Cheer up sis!Your in Beacon!Haven't you always wanted to be here?

Ruby:Its just weird.

I didn't try to press her anymore so we just continued to talk for the rest of the ride.It was hard though with some guy throwing up in a garbage can next to us.When we got to the school.We walked out of the ship.We all looked up at the school in awe. Then Ruby saw everyone with there different weapons and went crazy.She would have run off if Yang didn't catch her.

Ruby and Yang were talking about friends as my ghost started to talk to me.

Ghost:I'm going to scan the area.

Y/N:Be back with a report soon

The Ghost left and I heard a crash behind me followed by someone yelling.

Girl:What are you doing?!

I turned around to see a girl in a white dress and white hair yelling at Ruby.Ruby appeared to have crashed into the girls suit cases,causing them to fall off the suit case cart onto the ground.


Girl:Sorry!? Do you have any idea how much damage you could have caused?!All of those cases are filled with dust!


As I started to walk over and help Ruby out of the situation. I saw another explosion go off in front of Ruby. the girl kept yelling at her.

Girl:Do you have any idea who I am?!

Just then another girl walked up to us.

Girl2: Your Weiss Schnee. Her father owns the largest dust company in a of Remnant.

Weiss: Thank you. Finally someone notices me.

Girl2: Your companies also responsible for very controversial labor forces and its questionable business partners.

Weiss: Excuse you?!

I stepped in then.I decided this was enough.

Y/N:Everyone just calm down.

Weiss looked at me like she was about to start another argument but, she didn't and just walked away.Ruby sighed.

Ruby:Thanks for that Y/N and thank you miss....?

The girl was gone.

Ruby sighed again. We started to walk

Ruby:Great the first two new people I meet and they hate me.

Y/N: There's always more.

Then someone bumped into ruby. It was the kid who threw up on the airship. I️ saw the opportunity to try a cheer Ruby up and made a joke.

Y/N:Hey its the uh, barf guy from the ship.

I don't know how to change the subject very well.

Jaune: Its Jaune actually.

Me and ruby shook Jaunes hand.

Ruby:Nice to meet you.

All three of us walked for a while talking.

Jaune: So...What weapons do you guys have?

Ruby:Well I have my crescent rose.

she pulled out the scythe/gun

Jaune: Wow!and what about you?

Y/N:I have to many to bring out.Or I did.....Anyways hears one.

I pulled out my Gjallerhorn.

Jaune: Awesome!

Ruby:What do you have?

Jaune: Well...I've got a sword and a shield.


The bell rang.

Jaune:Hey by the way,are we going the right way?I was just following you guys.

We were going to the completely wrong way.

We all three ran the other direction towards the assembly.

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