Chapter 6-Enemies and Allies

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Cabal pov.....

Bracus-Turuk was walking down the hall of the cabal ship

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Bracus-Turuk was walking down the hall of the cabal ship.The trip they had made to this place was long.He was only a captain on this ship but there leader,Primus-Korron or korron for short,was the newly placed general on the ship. Turuk met with his fellow captains and talked.

Captain:this is a waste of time!why chase the light when we could fight along side our brethren?

Captain 2:I agree we should return home.Who cares for the light that is lost here?its probably dead.

Turuk: Quiet.I agree and we must do something. Primus Korron is old and does not know what he is doing.I believe this journey may be his last.

Captain:With him gone...who will take over?

Turuk smiled

Turuk: me, and I will make sure that the light is killed and we can go home.

They all cheered.Hopefully Primus Korron would defeat the light before his death

Y/N pov......
We entered a gym like area and listened to Ozpins speech.It was welcoming the students and telling us how we are the hope for the people. Ozpin reminded me of the speaker for some reason....

I just brushed of the thought.Once the speech was over he told us that we would be going on our first training mission/test things tomorrow and we should all get some rest.We were all directed to a area where we were all going to sleep tonight.The boys and the girls were separated to different sides of the room.Everyone was in there pajamas.I was still in my armor getting weird looks.

Yang:Hey Y/N!

I heard Yang call me over.I walked over to her.

Y/N:Whats up?

Ruby:Oh,Hey Y/N.

Yang:Is that armor all you wear?

Y/N:Oh,yeah sorry i'll change.

The ghost started to talk to me on the coms.

Ghost:Press the button on your chest. I've made some improvements....

I pressed the button and my armor started to disappear and instead I was wearing my FWC t-shirt and my blue jeans.They both looked amazed.

Yang:Wow you sure know how to make a scene.


Y/N:So anyway,Whats up?

Ruby:Nothing we were-

Yang cut her off.

Yang:We were just talking about that girl over there and how she might be friends with Ruby!

Ruby:Well...she saw what happened this morning with that girl and walked off before i could say anything.

Y/N:Yeah,I remember her.

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