Chapter 4-Fight in the streets

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I had just walked on the streets of the city all day exploring and thinking at the same time.It was starting to become night by the time I snapped out of it and realized how long I had been walking.My Ghost didn't speak to me the whole time I was walking.I decided I needed a drink and to clear my mind and looked for a store with drinks. I found a small shop on the corner of a street and walked inside.

The place was small, a few aisles, some weird machine in the back, and a counter with a cash register. There was a old man behind the counter.He saw me walk in and smiled as he nodded at me.I smiled back and started to look for a drink. I walked towards the back of the store and came across the huge machine. I saw a bunch of crystals in tubes on display in the front of the machine.

Y/N: Ghost what is this stuff?

Ghost: These crystals are called dust.Its a source of energy that is used in almost everything in Remnant.

I was very interested in the stuff and what it could do.I was about to grab some when I heard the door to the shop open. I turned back and saw Three men in black suits walked up to the counter and yell at the old man.

Thug: We want all your dust now!

The old man pointed to the dust.The men started to walk over to the dust and saw me. They ignored me luckily and continued to walk past. One of them shoved me as he walked by.The man turned to me.

Thug: Watch it kid. I don't want to hurt you.

He said all of this with a creepy smile.


My armor started to appear all over me.

Thug: What the-

The man started to say.Before he could finish we heard glass shatter at the front of the store and the others guys yell.

The thug in front of me looked at me and made a fist and ran to the front of the store.Once all my armor was on,I followed him.When I got to the front door.I saw a black hooded figure with a giant scythe fighting the thugs.There was only one person I knew who had a weapon like that.

ghost: Fight now talk later.

He was right.I had to focus on beating the thugs.One of the thugs was running up behind the figure and I immediately pulled out my sniper rifle,LDR,and shot the thug.The thug fell onto the ground. The thugs kept coming at us and we kept defeating them until I noticed a man in a bowler hat and a cane watching the whole fight.He had to be the boss.I aimed my sniper at him.

He frowned

Thug leader: Well this has been a eventful evening but, I think we can both agree this is where we part ways

He aimed his cane at us and smiled.he shot a flare from out of his cane and ran.He climbed a ladder leading to a nearby roof.

The figure looked at me and I saw there face. I thought it was Ruby for a moment.

Ruby: Y/N?is that you?

I nodded

Y/N: Talk later.

She seemed confused, but eventually nodded and we chased after the man.
Once we got to the roof,We saw the man on the other side of the roof looking down at the ground.He looked back at us and said "Persistent".A ship flew up behind him and he jumped into the side of it.

Thug leader: End of the line!

An explosion went off in front of us.I closed my eyes waiting to hear "Guardian down" but I didn't. I opened mt eyes to see a woman with blond hair using some type of magic to make a shield to protect us.The guy with the bowler hat cursed and ran into the ship.The women in front of us attacked the ship with some type of nova bomb like magic.The last thing I saw from the fight was fireballs being shot at us and they just missed me.I looked up to see the ship flying away and the women who saved us staring at us.I knew I was screwed.
She took me back to the school.I was in a dark room with only a table and two chairs.There was only one light in the whole room and it was above the table.My helmet was on the table in front of me.

The light turned on above me and a man walked over to the table.He sat at the seat across from me.

Mysterious figure: Drink?


Mysterious figure: Ok.Do you know who I am?


Mysterious figure: I am professor Ozpin, Headmaster of this academy.What's you name?

My Ghost started to talk to me as he asked the question.

Ghost:He seems trustworthy,but be careful.

Y/N:I'm just Y/N.

Ozpin: Nice to meet you Y/N. now onto my next question...Where did you learn to fight like that? I saw the camera recording of the whole incident earlier.

I thought in silence. I couldn't tell him anything. Everyone here is not trustworthy, not yet a least.

Y/N:You need to fight where I come from.

Ozpin: And wheres that?

Y/N: On a small island off the west side of remnant,I came here to train some more.

Ozpin: Hm. interesting.i'm going to make you a proposition.I'll let you train at this school.

It was so sudden and he sounded so calm.
He sounded to nice.

Y/N:Whats the catch?

Ozpin: No catch I just want to see your skills and abilities at this school.

my Ghost didn't say anything.I thought for  couple minutes. And finally I responded.


Ozpin smiled and held out his hand

Ozpin: Welcome to the school.It starts in a couple days.I'll give you a list of materials to get for the school year.

Ghost pitched in

Ghost:I'll handle that.

Ozpin looked back at me one more time before leaving.

Ozpin: Don't forget... to have fun.

I put on my helmet and walked out right after him, confused.

Y/N: Ghost,please tell me that conversation was a good idea.

Ghost:Your the boss here,not me.

I sighed and walked out of the room into the hallway.I saw Ruby waiting.She saw me walk out of the room and ran up to me with a huge smile across her face.

Ruby: Guess what?I just got into Beacon!

Y/N:Good job!I just got in to!

she was really happy i could tell but then she seemed confused.

Ruby:wait weren't you already going to the school?

Y/N: I.....just was visiting before.Now they let me in!

She still looked confused but she was just to happy and smiled again.

Ruby;Well i'm going to go home and tell Dad and Yang! I'll talk to you later!

Y/N: Uh..... Bye?

she was already halfway down the hall by the time I said that. This was going to be.....a adventure for sure.

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