chapter 8

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Bendy point of view

I instantly knew something was up with Boris because usally hes happy and you can see the light in his eyes but when I found him in the music room sitting in the corner his eyes were sad and showed he had been crying.How I hated to see him like this.

Bendy:Hey...Boris ol pal what's the matter?



Boris:I...I heard you and y/n talking...

His eyes started tearing up.At first I thought he would be happy but then I realized he was sad because y/n said "I don't like Boris" he heard her.

Bendy:oh jeez, Boris?I was just teasing plus Im pretty sure y/n likes you.

Boris:*sniff *hic You *sniffles You really think so?

Bendy:Hey I'm positive~plus between you and me I think she rlly likes you ya know why?

Boris:*sniff why

Bendy:Because beileve it or not she was blushin mad crazy.

I notice his eyes lit up heh thats the Boris I know.His tail was wagging at like 90mph.

Boris: Really?

Bendy:yep.Now c'mon they are probably worried bout us.


Bendy:Race you

And I zoomed off literally leaving a trail of dust behind me.Boris then caught up to me stuck his tongue out and left me behind.

3rd person point of view

Back to Alice and Y/n

Y/n:*hic Alice I ...did a bad thing

Alice:What is it dearie?


Boris and Bendy then came in and ran into a wall.



In the wall you could see how they left a huge hole on the wall that was in the shape of them jumping through the wall.Y/n stared out of shock.They came through the wall with a few bandages.But of course they weren't hurt badly since they're cartoons.

Bendy:*holds finger in air Im pretty sure *points thumb at self I win.

Bendy then collapsed on the floor with birds circling him.Boris came out too.

Boris:You wish!I was on fire!Literally!

He held up his feet showing how they were on fire then blew em out.

Alice :So um what did you want to talk about y/n?



Im animating now but its not that gud bc no stylus and i has smol screen on tablet but hey beggars cant be choosers I might do bendyxreader but idk so hows this story?If your at the end waiting for me to update enjoy reading my other books like borisxbendy or fangle or entertain yourself with my vids anyways see yall later

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