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Arthur tugged on your hand with a wide smile, it was so rare to seesuch a smile on his face ever since he was beat up that you werehappy to see him smiling and seeming to let his guard down. He toldyou he was a homebody anyway, and he loved spending time with you.

Arthur happened to look up and his snake eyes zeroed in on a thicktree with gnarled branches. Since he was a half snake and his eyeswere almost fully snake, which meant that his reptilian eyes werevery sensitive to the sun.

"Let's go to the top of the tree," he suggested and you looked upand frowned.

"I don't know, I'm not a very strong climber." You said and hesmiled gently at you.

"That's fine love, I'm very fast; I'll carry you."

"No!" You reacted right away, and Arthur frowned wondering whyyou were reacting so strongly. "I'm far to heavy Arthur! You'dthrow out your back if you tried to carry me." You said what youfelt was a perfectly valid explanation which proved he couldn't carryyou. He was strong but he'd hurt himself, this wasn't carrying youdown the hall; it would be different to carry you up a tree.

He gripped your shoulders and made you look into his eyes. "Nameyou need to stop this. Stop putting yourself down, you say it and youwill think it. You think it you will believe it." He said and youtook a deep breath.

"But Arthur-"

"From now on Name, I want you to do something for me. Will you?"

"Anything." You promised without even thinking. He was soimportant to you now you couldn't refuse him, you liked him. A lot.You didn't think you'd ever be anything more than friendship, butthat was enough.

"Every day I want you to look in a mirror and say the words 'I ambeautiful', can you do that for me?" He asked and you frowned, butyou had already promised. You didn't understand why but it wouldn'thurt you to do it.

"Okay." You agreed and he smiled before turning around so hisback was to you and tugged you foreword, he put one of your armsunder his and the opposite one over his shoulder so they met acrosshis chest, his arms grabbing each of your legs, right under yourknees.

He then began slithering up the tree. Literally. It was amazing. He'dwrap his tail around the trunk three or so times around and push uplike a slinky. He landed with the two of you on one of the the higherbranch but was still heavily shaded, it felt like your own privateworld.

You giggled a bit as a stray leaf fell and tangled into Arthur'sbangs. You pushed it off his hair accidentally brushing his eyebrows.He gasped and grabbed your wrists. "Arthur?" You whispered butbefore you could say anything more his lips smashed onto you, takingyour arms he pulled you onto his lap.

He pushed you against the tree trunk and held you tightly. You kissedhim back passionately, you didn't know why he was doing it but youwould enjoy it. He pulled away and allowed his snake like tongue slipthrough and lick along your neck causing you to moan slightly.

"Your so beautiful Name...I'm sorry." He said and your heartbroke, he was regretting this. Only a few kisses, they felt betterthan you could imagine, however before you could feel anything toostrong he continued. "I should be wooing you, with flowers andpoetry. Stealing a kiss or two before we-" you kissed him quickly.

He wanted you. There was nothing to fear. And his lips pressingagainst yours, tasting of orange marmalade jam tarts and Earl Greytea sweetened with one lump of sugar and a drop of cream-his belovedsnack that he had every day at three in the afternoon-everything feltokay.

I wouldrecommend for those with low self-esteem to try looking in a mirrorto say "I am beautiful" or if you think your not smart say "Iam smart" or adorable/cute/etc. Also...I want to go to the park.

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