Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

I got to Tyler's playgroup and walked inside even though I knew I was early but there's nothing wrong with that picking him up early considering he's been waiting over a year to see me.

I knocked on the door to his room and his teacher opened it.

"Can I help you, sir? I've never seen you here before." I cleared my throat.

 "I'm Tyler Paynes other dad, Liam wanted me to pick him up." She nodded and was going to get Tyler, but he already saw me and dropped his toys to run over to me.

"Papa!" he squealed reaching up for me. I smiled and picked him up, kissing him on his forehead before he laid his head on my shoulder.

"Just sign him out on that sheet so we know he left early and then his stuff is in the lockers." I nodded and walked over and signed him out then grabbed his stuff from his locker which was filled with finger paintings and a lunch box.

"Ty, don't you bring these pictures home?" He shook his head. "Why not baby?"

"They for you, daddy doesn't like talking 'bout you or bringing pictures of you." I nodded and picked up all the paintings he's made with me in them or for me. I'll have to talk to Liam and show him all of these.

"Okay, babe lets go home." He nodded and reached up for me to pick him up. I swung him onto my shoulders and started walking. "Have you been good for daddy while I was gone?" I questioned looking at the little boy in my arms.

"Yeah, sleep with daddy every night." He nodded. "Not last night though." He shook his head while frowning.

I frowned back at him. "Why not hun?" I asked while opening my car door. 

"Daddy be mean." 

"How was daddy mean?"

"He tooks me 'way from you," he said looking at his fingers. 

"But that doesn't mean he's mean, he was just scared baby. Kind of like how you're scared of monsters? he was that scared." 

He frowned and looked down, I kissed his head and closed the door then ran over to my side.

I got home and ran around to get Tyler who was asleep in the back. I pulled him out and picked up the drawings and brought them inside. I signaled for Liam to be quiet who just nodded and turned down the tv.

I brought Tyler to his room, quickly kissing his forehead and walked back down, the paintings still in my hand.

"What are those?" Liam asked slightly confused.

"They're drawings that Tyler made that had paintings of me in them or just of me. He said you wouldn't let him take them home, why's that?" I questioned but grabbed Liam's hand when he went a little pale, reassuring him I wasn't mad.

"It just hurt seeing you, I was so torn apart about not being with you. The first time he made a picture it didn't look too much like you but I could tell it was you. So many memories came back and I knew that would happen every time, so I just asked him if he could stop making them or bringing them home." Liam was looking at our intertwined hands and played with my fingers.

"I'm not mad Li, I was just wondering. You don't need to be upset lovie." I smiled and nuzzled my nose against his. "I love you," I said making him look at me, shock was written on his face as the words spilled out of my mouth. I was honestly shocked too. 

He smiled at me and whispered, "I love you too." He kissed me gently, as he pulled away he opened his eyes and looked so deeply into mine and in that moment I realized how important he is to me, I realized how much I missed him, how much I craved to just sit there and hold him and love him. I need to touch every inch of him, I know I'm desperate for it.

"Liam," I mumbled into his neck shutting my eyes tightly and slid into his lap, all he did was pull me closer if possible and gripped me almost as hard as I was holding onto him. "I love you so goddamn much," I whispered clenching my hands into the back of his shirt.

"I love you too, I will forever-" 

"And always." I cut him off quickly. I looked up at him in adoration until I heard the sound of Tyler waking up ring through the baby monitor.

"I'll get him," Liam said sliding me off of his lap. I pouted up at him but accepted my seat on the couch. I watched for Tyler and Liam to walk down but instead turned my attention to the tv.

In a few minutes I saw them walk down well saw Liam walk down with Tyler in his arms, hair sticking up in many directions and looking dazed. I smiled and reached out for Tyler, Liam handed him to me and he cuddled into my chest.

"You didn't sleep long did you baby?" I asked even though I knew he wouldn't answer, all he did was push his face into my neck. "Liam are you okay?" I asked as I noticed that he seemed to zone out. His head snapped up and he looked at me and nodded while rubbing his face. "You sure hun?" He shrugged. "I'll make us food." I offered but he shook his head and went into the kitchen. I sighed and looked at Tyler and set him on the floor, distracting him with toys before walking to the kitchen.

I grabbed Liam's waist lightly, he jumped and looked back at me and sighed. "Why are you so jumpy and stressed babe?" I whispered and started swaying us back and forth.

"I spent over a year trying to get over you and now you show up and after a day I realize I'm still so in love with you. It scares me because I think you're going to leave again." I grabbed his chin and kissed him hard.

"I'm never leaving ever again I promise." I kissed him again then turned to the food and started stirring it. "Go watch Tyler, I'll finish up lunch yeah?" He nodded and went into the living room. I can't help but think about how great my family is. Sure us three aren't perfect but who cares, we love each other and that's all that matters really.

"Lunch is ready!" I yelled setting the food on the table. Liam came in holding Tyler's hand. He set Tyler in his high chair and dished up his food and let it cool off before giving it to him.

"I work tomorrow, do you?" Liam asked I shook my head as I was watching Tyler. "Then you'll have to stay here to watch him while I work, is that okay with you?" he asked and I turned to him.

"I think the real question is are you okay with it." He nodded and swallowed then smiled at me.

"Of course it's okay with me, you're his dad too. I can't just take him away from you and not let you spend a day with him because I'm not there, that's just not fair to you," he said.

"Yeah but it's been you and him for almost a year and a half, and fuck Liam you've done such a great job with him. I mean, look at him. He's absolutely gorgeous and is so smart, I wouldn't have done that good with him if it was me and him."

Liam shook his head. "No you would've done great with him. He learns fast, he feels people's emotions even if you don't want him to. He's incredible, he's the one thing that held me together when you left. if I didn't have him I don't know what I would've done." Liam shook his head and looked at Tyler.

"Well I'm here now, I can't bring myself to leave again. It's my job to protect you two and that's what I'm going to do for now on, I was a dick for leaving but you don't have to worry about that anymore. I promise." I said wiping off Tyler's face.

"Thank you so much Harry, I don't know what I'd do with myself if you do leave again." He frowned looking down and grabbing my hand.

I tilted his head up and kissed him. "you won't have to worry about that because I'm here now and I will be forever. this is my home." I smiled and leaned in. This is the only home that I'll ever need.


Hey guys I'm back!! I'm so so sorry that I haven't updated I didn't know what to write about but the next update my come faster, I'll try to update more I promise. I love you guys, thanks for sticking with me!! 


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