Chapter 18

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Hello everyone! This is the next chapter, on top of working on this chapter I have also been editing the first book, just refining some things and rewording it to improve it a little without changing everything! Thank you all for everything, I hope you enjoy! :)

Liam's POV

I could tell Harry was anxious. We had previously had multiple conversations about the last year, but it was mainly about me and Tyler. Harry spoke about some things but he would oftentimes just say 'you don't really want to know everything that happened' or he would say he doesn't remember everything; trying to buy himself more time before opening up about everything. I sat with my legs crossed on the bed, his hand still in my hand, twisting his many rings. I always wondered where he got all of them. I know one he got from his sister, and one he bought because it 'looked cool', I truly didn't think it was that great until Harry put it on; then his hands became my favorite thing.

"Can I change into something a little more comfortable? We're gonna be here for a while," Harry asked with a light chuckle. I looked down at his outfit, he was wearing his black skinny jeans that formed to his legs perfectly, along with a white shirt. I knew he mainly didn't want to lay in bed with jeans on, but who does?

I nodded, I had already put on a pair of flannel pajama bottoms along with a black shirt. That seemed to be the only thing in either of our wardrobes- plain, black or white shirts. That's why I wasn't surprised to see Harry tugging down a black shirt, along with some grey sweatpants. He looked lost, paced to one side of the bed and then the other before taking a deep shaky breath and sitting on the side. I watched him carefully as he rested his elbows on his knees, taking his head in his hands and rubbing his face.

"This is really, really fucking hard for me to do Li. All I want is to tell you everything, but I don't know how I'm going to react reliving it all." His voice was muffled slightly by his hands still resting over his face. I trusted Harry, I really did, but I could feel my face was slightly swollen from where he had hit me. A bruise was sure to form, so I took extra caution as I slid behind him on the bed. Slowly, I raised my hand and lightly touched his tense bicep. His muscles contracting under my touch, but he didn't react harshly. I took this as a sign that I had nothing to fear, he was and never will be a danger to me.

I wrapped my hand around his large bicep as much as I could, lightly tugging in hopes he would turn around and face me but he didn't. I sighed, rubbing my other hand up and down his back. Even his shoulder blades were contracted, muscles bulging out of his shirt; normally I would find this attractive, but all I wanted was for him to feel calm and safe to tell me everything.

"Hazzie, you're safe baby, I got you. No matter what happens I'm right here okay? I am always right here." I moved to the side so I can try to get a better look at him. His hands slowly moved away from his face, and I felt relieved to see he hadn't started crying, knowing I would've lost it also. I leaned into his side, nudging his jaw with my nose to tilt his head to the other side. He tilted his head more as I started gently kissing his neck, trying to relax him. He let out a sigh and slipped an arm around my waist, lifting me onto his lap effortlessly. My hand found his shoulder while the other one went to his nape as I continued kissing his neck, sucking on some of his sensitive spots, one being where his neck meets his collarbone. I felt his muscles slightly loosen and a breath release from his parted lips, but he was for sure not going to be able to talk without getting distressed.

I did the one thing I knew would bring his mind back to me. I made sure to keep my mouth on him; kissing and sucking his neck, kissing his cheek, his jaw, just about any area I could reach. I moved the hand that was on his shoulder to his curly hair. I know for a fact, this man will crumble if his hair is pulled or combed through. I gently tugged on the curly ringlets, then combed my hand from the front of his hair to the back. I heard and felt a groan leave his throat as his body relaxed dramatically. I knew he came back to me in that moment. His left hand went around my waist, while the other grabbed my chin gently, guiding my lips to his in a sweet kiss. He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine and gently ran his hand over the imprint that was on my face from earlier events, he sighed and lightly closed his eyes.

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