Chapter 17

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Here it is everyone! Thank you for your patience!

Liam's POV
I don't know what to think. What to do or what to say. I sat there and carefully set down my fork and looked at Harry. He looked pissed. His face was turning red and his fists were slightly clenched but he was holding himself together.

"Why not?" He asked setting down his fork.

"Because it's my body and I can choose to do whatever I want," she said but it sounded more like a question, you know that thing snobby bitches do. All of a sudden Harry got angry and he pounded his fists against the table and pushed his plate, utensils, and cup onto the floor, breaking the plate and cup while water and food went everywhere.

"God damn you, Lindsay! Why do you do this shit to me?!" Harry screamed, veins in his neck popping out. I ran over and grabbed Tyler and set him in the living room, closed the baby gates and went back in. "All the fucking time you just look for an opportunity to screw me over and the one time, the one fucking time I'm happy you pull this shit!" He pointed his finger at her and she stood up.

"I'm ruining your life? Harry, I'm pregnant with possibly your kid! And your life is ruined?" She screamed in his face pointing her finger at him. He was livid, I could see it. He grabbed her finger and squeezed it hard making her yelp in pain and threw her arm down.

"Get the test or stay out of my life. You will not compromise my relationship with Liam or my son." He got close to her, so close they were almost touching. His face was red and his eyes turned a dark green, not the sparkly green he usually has but a green I've never seen before.

"I will decide if I get it or not. You'll just have to accept whatever decision I make." With that she got up and grabbed her purse, walking out of the house and leaving.

I turned and looked at Harry. He was gripping the chair hard and was breathing heavily with his eyes shut. I walked over to him.

"Harry?" I put my hand on his shoulder, as soon as I did he quickly turned and slapped me on my cheek. I gasped in pain and put my hand on my cheek, quickly backing away from him.

"Oh my god, Liam I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I promise I didn't mean to do that!" The dark green in his eyes was gone, instead, there was remorse. All I wanted to do was run to the car with Tyler and leave for the night or lock myself away but I couldn't just leave Harry, even if he hurt me he's still going through a lot and needs me.

Tears filled in my eyes and slid down my cheeks, I sat on the floor and pulled my knees to my chest staring at Harry as he slowly moved closer.

"Li, you know I didn't mean to do it love, let me see come on" he pleaded with tears now running down his face. He took my wrist, making me sob not wanting him to touch me. He pulled my hand away from my cheek and saw the handprint that was left on my face. He let out a choked sob and fell onto his knees.

"Why, why do I always have to fuck up! Why am I so fucking stupid!" He yelled leaning his head into his hands. My heart broke hearing all this but at the same time, I still didn't know whether to comfort him or to leave him.

I sniffled slightly and moved closer to him, placing my hand in his long curls. He instantly leaned into my touch and almost collapsed into me, and I knew then that this is a situation I couldn't just abandon him in. Running away would only make things worse. 

"Haz, how about you clean up the mess on the floor and I'll go sit with Tyler. Once he's asleep we'll talk more about this, okay?" He nodded and moved his hands so I could see his face. It was a splotchy red color and his eyes were bloodshot. I stood up and started walking towards the living room when he gently grabbed my arm. I had a sudden urge to pull away from him but didn't. 

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