Chapter 25

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Last chapter before the epilogue! I can't believe we're here, I owe it all to you guys. Thank you.

Liam's POV

To say the miscarriage threw Harry's progress for a loop was an understatement.

There were many nights where he came home intoxicated after work, not pulling in until one or two in the morning. Most nights, (especially if he was drinking) he wanted to have sex. Usually, I would be alright with it because it was always a good experience for both of us, but now it was always rough and not enjoyable for me especially if he was drunk. 

Like tonight.

He grunted, thrusting in one last time before pulling out of me and rolling to his side of the bed. I had been sleeping since I had a rough day at work and had to take care of a very grumpy boy afterward. Harry had insisted I wake up, the smell of alcohol on his breath as he woke me up by sucking marks into my neck. All I wanted was to sleep and relax. 

I turned and looked at my fiancé. He was still so beautiful, despite what he does or says. He's been so bitter recently that it makes it hard to be around him, I just want my baby back. 

"Haz?" I whispered, his eyes were shut. He didn't respond thankfully. I wanted to clean up and then be left alone. 

I made my way to the bathroom, wincing at the soreness in my bum, I grabbed a washcloth and cleaned my entire body. I felt disgusted with myself, I felt violated. I made my way back to the bedroom, as much as I hate Harry right now, the overwhelming desire to take care of him took over. I carefully wiped his body down with the washcloth and covered him up before exiting the room. 

I made my way down to the kitchen and made myself some tea, I felt so exhausted but the thought of sleeping next to Harry right now made me want to throw up. 

"Fuck!" I shouted as I dropped the coffee cup on the floor, it shattered into a million pieces. I ran a shaky hand through my hair and moved to clean it up when I heard little feet pattering into the kitchen.

 "Daddy?" I turned and saw Tyler standing there, rubbing his eyes with one fist while the other held on tightly to his stuffed puppy. 

"Oh, hi baby boy, I'm sorry did I wake you?" He shook his head and made grabby hands towards me, signaling for me to pick him up. I propped him on my hip as I went to dump the shards of glass into the garbage and get a new cup. "Why are you awake sweetheart, it's nearly three in the morning." I swayed with him in my arms as I sipped my tea. He laid his head on my shoulder and tried to muffle a yawn into my neck. 

"Want Papa," he whispered, lightly stroking a hand over the puppy's fur. He hadn't seen Harry all day.

"Do you want me to see if he'll give you a cuddle? Then you have to go back to your bed love." I did not want to wake Harry up, I didn't want to hear his voice. 

"Noooo I s'eep with him, daddy," Tyler whined as tears started forming. I sighed but nodded and made my way to our room. 

I cracked the door and noticed Harry hadn't left the position he was in before I left. I carefully set Tyler on the bed, telling him not to move quite yet. I made my way around to Harry's side and shook his shoulder. 

"H, wake up." He groaned and pushed me away a little harder than I had expected since he was just fully asleep. I ended up stumbling backward a bit but regained my balance. "Harry, wake up right now," I said a little more sternly. This seemed to do the trick.

"For fuck's sake, what do you want?" He grumbled, glaring up at me. I threw a pair of boxers at him that were on the floor. 

"Your son, if you remember who that is, wants to cuddle with you. He has barely seen you in days Harry." I crossed my arms and watched as Harry pulled the boxers on underneath the sheets.

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