Chapter 15

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Harrys POV

"Oh my god Harry is that you?!" I sighed and closed my eyes, hoping that horrible girl wouldn't try to talk to be again. 

"Harry? It's me Lindsay." Slowly I turned around and faced her, this girl was the girl who I was with when I wasn't with Liam which was a huge mistake, almost the biggest mistake of my life but leaving Liam and Tyler is definitely my biggest mistake. 

"Hi...Lindsay." I felt awkward, I was hoping to never see her face again and now she's here, close to my family, my home.

"We have so much to catch up on Harry, how long has it been now? Like 3 months?" I cringed at what my life was like just months ago.

"Yeah, it has been about three months" I started walking backwards, she started to get almost a panicked look on her face.

"Wait Harry, let me give you my number so we can talk more!" And me being the polite person I am, I gave her my number.       

"By the way Harry, I figured I should tell you." The worried look was back on her face. "I'm pregnant. And you could possibly be the father." She said and bit her lip in a nervous way. I just nodded, I opened and closed my mouth trying to speak but I just couldn't.

I turned around and sped out of that coffee shop, I heard her say my name but faintly, the ringing in my ears was too intense. Another kid? I already have one I can't just go and support another, I don't have the finances for that. Plus every time her and I had sex I wore a condom so it just doesn't make sense to me. Maybe it broke? Maybe one time I didn't and I just can't remember? All I know is that I had to figure this out.

I got in the vehicle and instantly Liam could tell something was off about me, the tension around me was so intense it was just radiating off of me.  "Harry, what's wrong babe?" He put his hand on my arm, I leaned my head onto the steering wheel and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"I saw my ex in there, the girl, Lindsay and she just said some things that isn't exactly what I wanted to hear."

"What did she say?" He took his hand off my shoulder, his worry prominent.

"She told me she's pregnant, and there's a possibility that it could be mine." I took my head off the steering wheel and looked at him, he was still facing me but was looking down. He had about the same reaction I did but he looked even more upset and kind of hurt.  He turned and faced forward, not even sparing a glance my way.

With that I drove us home, I figured we could figure things out easier at home than in the car and I want to make sure Liam is okay. I just wish this was some nightmare that I could just wake up from, I've already hurt him enough and now this, I have to be the worst boyfriend on the planet.

We got home and he immediately left the vehicle. I didn't even have it fully turned off before he jumped out. I slammed my hand on the dashboard then ran my hands through my hair, what did I do to deserve this? What did Liam do to deserve such a fucked up boyfriend? 

After questioning my entire existence I went inside to go find Liam, who was surprisingly not in our room, he was sitting at the kitchen table, tears silently falling as he stared at the table, arms crossed over his chest. His facial expression was blank, it was almost scary, I've never seen him look so hollow.

"I wasn't going to go to our room, figured you'd wanna talk." I let out a choked out laugh, shaking my head. Of course he knew that, he knows everything because he's perfect. I kicked off my shoes and walked over to the table, sitting across from him.

I wanted to grab his hand so badly but I figured he wouldn't want me touching him. But as soon as I was gonna settle for having my hands just on my lap, he grabbed one in each hand.

"Harry, I love you so much, I've been in love with you for about two years now and you know that. If you actually did impregnate her, you will have to take responsibility and you know that. I won't leave you though, It was a mistake you made when you left me, maybe if we were still together I'd leave but you did this at a bad time in your life, and I want you to take responsibility. I promise to be by your side the entire time because I know I won't be able to give you up, Tyler and I need you. So please, just do the right thing." I had tears in my eyes, my love for this man was so intense and the fact that he's accepting of something so huge like this, usually people would just leave me like always but Liam, is truly a piece of art.

"Baby, I just love you so much it's unreal." I pulled him up so he was standing and wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him close to me, our chests were touching. I cupped his cheek in my hand and rubbed my thumb across his skin. "I couldn't have asked for anyone better." And with that I kissed him, with more passion than I ever have.

He pulled away and leaned his forehead on mine, eyes closed and smiling. "Before we instantly assume you knocked her up can we see if it's actually yours or not?"

I laughed and kissed him again. "Of course love, anything for you" And kissed him again.


Thank you all so much for your support. I love you all so much!


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