Chapter 9

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Harry's POV
I woke up before Liam, figuring I'd let him sleep in and get Tyler.

"Ty, time to wake up baby," I whispered, taking him out of the crib and replacing his thumb with a pacifier, -even though we've been trying to wean him off of it- which he gladly excepted then leaned his head on my chest. 

"Come on love bug we're going to take a bath, make breakfast then wake up daddy and then you'll be with all your friends at your playgroup," I whispered, knowing that talking about how the day will go wakes him up a little more. 

"Ok papa," he said with a lisp due to the pacifier. 

I brought him to that bathroom, a little bounce in my step to wake him up more, and got his clothes off his warm body. He's never been this still, letting me move his arms and legs. He even had his eyes closed until he felt the cold tiles make contact with his warm back then his eyes opened a little and he whined before shutting them again. I let him lay on the floor as I started the bath and got the right temperature. As it filled I picked him up and sat on the floor with his face against my chest. 

"Are you excited to play with some of your friends later baby?" He reached up to grab some of my hair in his small hand as he nodded.

"That's good. what do you and your friends do?" I questioned, hoping talking would wake him up a little. 

"Play blocks papa," he said quietly. I nodded as best as I can without having my curls pulled by his hand.

I turned off the taps as the tub was filled to the right amount before gently putting Tyler in the warm water, his eyes still closed. 

"Okay sweetie I know you're tired but I need you to open your eyes so you'll wake up more," I said while putting toys in for him to play with. He whined but opened his eyes anyway. He was looking right at me and my green eyes met his dark brown ones. I smiled at him because he just looked so damn cute half asleep!

I quickly washed his hair and let him play for a while. By the time he was done he was wide awake and giggling.

"We wake up daddy?" He asked as I changed him.

"Nope not yet, we have to make breakfast first baby," I whispered carrying him into the kitchen to start making breakfast.

We figured something out fast, we didn't make much just toast, eggs, and bacon and set it down on the table before going up to wake up Liam.

I slowly opened the door so it wouldn't squeak then set Tyler on the bed, giving him the go-ahead to jump on top of Liam.

He lunged on top of Liam, landing flat on Liam's chest before giggling loudly as Liam started to groan.

"Ty really?" He grumbled before opening his eyes.

"Papa told me to," Tyler said, looking back at me smiling. I stuck my tongue out at Tyler which he did the same back to me and then turned back to Liam when he started talking.

"Well next time tell papa to let daddy sleep." Tyler nodded seriously at what he said and then rolled off of Liam so he could sit up.

"Get up babe, breakfast is on the table," I said, throwing Tyler over my shoulder making him break into a fit of giggles and loud screaming.

Slowly Liam made his way down the steps and sat with Tyler and I.

"I need to go get ready for my class so can you stay with Ty while I shower?" Liam looked at me with a surprised look.

"Of course I can watch my own son," he laughed. I started laughing too and pecked his lips.

These are the type of moments I live for.

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