Ch. 10

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Gale comes forward and I motion to Oak.  We go through all the pairings and the only one that wasn’t even was Sandy against Current.  Sandy is extremely fast and incredibly accurate.  Current never stood a chance.

“Ok.  Can I get Leaf, Ash, and Oak over there? Ok you guys have a defensive style of fighting.  You are better at waiting and attacking after your opponents.  On the other side can I have Sandy, Current, Gale, and Magma over there? You are a speed style of fighting.  You are always moving.  And are very hard to hit, but you also have better dodges than the others.  And the rest of you are the offensive style of fighting.  You are the kind that would rather attack first and with full force than sitting and waiting for the other to attack you.  Each type of fighting has its own advantages and disadvantages.  Each type also has its own set of moves best fit for them.” I explain some of the moves that each style has and for the rest of the lesson they try out some of the moves and I correct them as they do it.

When the whistle blows they are sweating and exhausted, but still have enough energy to nod a thanks to me on the way out.

I wash before magic training.  I don’t want to go, but it is the only way I will learn to control my magic.

 Shadow is waiting for me by the time I arrive at the arena.  We go over target shooting and energy exchange the whole time.  It is very boring, but I am actually tired for once and I am ready for a recharge. 

The unicorns battling this moon are Gale and another Air.  I would have gone to watch, but I just did not have the energy so I go to my area to sleep.

When I get there the group or Earths are there again.  I don’t know what they find so interesting about my area, but if they want to get yelled at each night; it is up to them. 



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