Ch. 3

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I am shocked.  He has my friends and is using them against me.

“Who are you?” I whisper.

“I am Darth.  Are you willing to listen to me now?”

“What do you want from me?”

“Well, I want your magic for myself! The next best thing to that is having you under my complete control.”

“Can I at least think about it?” I ask.  He nods and leaves me alone to think.

What can I do? If I fight him, he will hurt my friends.  If I don’t, he will use me to hurt a lot of other innocent people.

Darth soon returns “I want to see my friends first.”

“I guess that is acceptable.  It’s not like you can do anything.” Darth gloats.

We travel down the halls and stop at a dirty, dead-end hallway.  The doors are barred shut and I can hear someone kicking the door.  I look in the rooms and I see them all here.  Leaf is kicking his door, Bubbles is pacing, Airy is cowering in the corner, Splash is still unconscious, and Blaze is standing in the middle of her room doing nothing.

“Fine, I will cooperate.  Just let them go.  They have nothing to do with this.”

“I will be the judge of that.  Now come on, there is someone I would like you to meet.”

We travel down more dim hallways and come out in an open area cloaked in darkness.  The shadows look to be alive in here.  The entire room reeks of the bitter coldness that shadow magic releases.

“Hello again Spark.” A familiar voice whispers behind me.

“You!” I shout surprised.

“Yes me.  Who else would know your every strength and your every weakness?” Shadow snickers.  I can’t believe you would trust someone that easily!” her evil laugh sounds exactly like Darth’s.

“Well sister, shall we begin?”

“We shall!” They both start walking towards me.  I might be a good fighter, but put me in a stressful situation and I freeze.  I am shaking as they get closer and closer.  I finally break out of the spell and in a fit of panic I send a huge wave of pure energy out.  It hits both of the Shadow unicorns and temporarily knocks them.  I bolt back down the hallways, past the cell where I was kept and finally into the hall where my friends are.  I manage to get Leaf out and I can get to Bubbles, but Splash still hasn’t woken.  I am worried about him and I ask Bubbles if she can wake him.  By the time everyone is out we don’t have long until they wake.

We are just about out when we hear a demonic screech. 


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