Poor Timing

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I open my eyes to Christina, Al, Will, Shauna, and my other friends above my bed looking extremely worried.

"Tris what happened?" Al asks.

I don't want to tell him I passed out because I found out I'm pregnant.

"Honestly, I have no idea."

"Hey can I have a moment with Tris alone if that's okay?" Christina asks our friends. They give her weird looks but proceed to leave the room in the infirmary.

"Christina this can't be happening. I'm going to be factionless. With no father. Just me and my baby factionless."

"Tris! Don't say that. You won't be factionless. You are the top ranked initiate right now."

"I won't be when I can't do anything because I'm pregnant."

"Who's the father anyways? Maybe he can help."

"That's not important right n-"

The door bursts open and it's Four. Convenient timing.

"Tris, what happened?"

"I passed out. It's no big deal."

"Christina, everybody is supposed to be getting ready for simulation testing now. Please find the rest of our group. I'll watch Tris."

"No way! I'm not gonna leave her alone!"

"Christina, go it's okay."

"Bye Tris, feel better," Christina says and walks out.

"Can I do simulation testing?"

"The nurse says they need to run tests on you. You usually don't black out for no reason."

"I'm fine. I don't need tests."

"Tris," he says taking my hand, "is there anything you want to tell me?"

I can't tell him now. I look him dead in the eye.

"I stood up to fast. I'm fine. Please trust me."

"Okay I do."

He leans down to give me a kiss and I kiss him back. We walk together to the waiting room before we go into our stimulations.

Four goes into his room and gets ready to prepare it for doing simulation testing. I sit next to my friends in the waiting room.

Christina whispers in my ear. "Is it safe for a preggo woman to do simulation testing?"

Before I can answer, the devil, also known as Eric, walks in.

"I heard we had a little fainting incident," he says in a mocking tone and walks over to me.

"Is the little stiff okay?" He asks smiling.

"Don't call me that. I'm fine. Leave me alone."

"Someone's got some attitude."

Yeah I do. And it's not pregnancy hormones. It's that jerk!

All the sudden, I get sick again. I run out the exit to go vomit my guts out yet again.

Eric walks out to see me and Christina follows, not wanting to leave me alone with this monster.

"Tris, if I didn't know any better I would say you are pregnant."

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