Morning Sickness

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This starts one week after Tris is told that "she looks good" from Four. Tris is still in initiation. That night, Tris and Four got drunk and slept together. Nobody knows. Warning: Not all pregnancy details may be accurate & the story might not be either.


I jolt up and jump out of bed, feeling sick to my stomach. I run to the bathroom and get on my knees in front of the toilet. Trying to hold my hair back, I begin to violently throw up. I try to be quiet as I'm heaving up my dinner, but I hear someone walking into the bathroom.

"Tris, it's an hour before training star--," she says cutting off after realizing that I'm throwing up.

She walks closer towards me looking slightly disgusted but more concerned. She takes me hair into her hands and holds it back as I finish throwing up. I slowly stand up, feeling dizzy.

"Tris are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think I just had food poisoning or something."

"I hate to break it to you but food poisoning happens three hours after you get poisoned. You wouldn't be throwing up the morning after."

Am I...? Could I be...? No way. I don't say anything out loud but stare into her eyes, which are wide open.

"Have you... Slept with anyone since training started?"

"No.. I mean maybe.. A week ago..."


"That's not important. Christina, I might be pregnant. Help me!"

My mind rushes in a million different directions. How will I finish training? I'm still in first place but I won't be if I'm pregnant. What will Four say?

"Don't freak out until we know for sure.  I'll sneak out and get you a test. Stay here and keep calm."

"I love you."

"You better," she replied and with that, she left. I go back to the room and sneak into bed as quietly as I can. I lay down and instead of thinking about what might happen, I have a flashback to the night it did.

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