Keith x Lance because I got tagged a year ago

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A/n: Hi so I'm back at 12 am (technically) the next day bc I can't sleep, My anxiety has chilled out now but I still don't feel tired so I was going through some old comments and stuff(Laughing at my own jokes cuz you know I'm funny) and I saw on Fairy_Titan's book, Crappy Jokes/ tags and stuff that they tagged me to an OTP challenge that I didn't do. I don't remember seeing it. I don't remember making the decision not to do it, but it was the first time I got tagged in something and I didn't do it and now I'm shaming past me, like dude thats rude, Sorry Fairy_Titan. Anyway even though this tag was a year ago it still has some good writing prompts to pass time with, I'm just gonna do a few like Fairy_Titan because I am tired but it'll still be good. I might also start a oneshots book later and I use some of these for that. Anyway I'll tag some of you in the end, so stay tuned.

3. baking cookies- 3rd person POV

"I'm bored!" Lance said as he turned his body. Then he layed on his back across Keith's legs, sprawled out, trying to get attention and some entertainment.

"Well there isn't anything to do, is there?" Keith, having none of Lances shenanigans, didn't do anything except turn the page in the magazine he was reading.

"Well, I mean, there's you." Lance propped himself on one elbow, putting it between Keith's legs, and then pulling the magazine away enough to put his face between Keith and Lance's 'The latest gossip with the Kardashians' magazine. He smirked triumphantly at Keith's dusted pink cheeks.

"No, Lance, I'm kind of not an option because your parents are downstairs." Keith pushed lance off of him making lance pout, almost like a puppy, which Keith found to be too fricking cute.

"Hmm." lance had his hand lightly over his mouth and chin looking down slightly in a thought. "Why don't we bake then?"

"What?" Keith put down the magazine as he questioned the random activity choice, but was slightly intrigued, "Why would we do that?"

"Because its fun?" Lance shrugged his shoulders questioning his own idea.

"Sure, why not" Keith turned his body towards the side of the bed and then put his feet on the floor as Lance did the same. 

They walked towards the door of the room and then walked out and then took a left down the hallway, passing Lance's sister's room and then going down the stairs to the main level of the house. AT the bottom of the stairs was an open concept room, that both boys knew well. about tn feet away was the front door. To the left was the living room with lance's parents watching a movie and to the right was the kitchen, and then if you went into either, the both lead to the dining room on the other side of the stair case between the two rooms. They went to the right into the kitchen.

"Mama, we're going to make cookies. is that alright?" Lance opened a cabinet and grabbed a large bull out as he talked just loud enough for his mother to hear.

"that's fine, Mija. Just remember you break it you bought it, and any mess is yours to clean." She saud inn a sweet, motherly voice, "Keep an eye on him, Keith?"

"Yes, mama." Lance grabbed the sugar out of a cabinet, and walked next to his boyfriend.

"Yes, mama." Keith said a smile creeping on his lips. Mrs. McClain had insisted on him calling her mama as he practically lived there and him and lance had been dating for 3 years.

"Ok, how do we do this." Keith asked as he watched lance begin to mix ingredients.

"Have you never made cookies before?" Lance put down the ingredient inn hand and stood with most support on one leg in a sassy and astonished face.looked slightly embaressed at the fact 

"Um,  no." Keith looked slightly embaressed at the fact, and looked away.

"Ok, then I''ll have to teach you." Lance jumped for joy with a wide smile plastered in his face, happy to share this moment with someone he loved. "So first you have to put this in like that" (A/N:Idk or remember how to make cookies lol.)

Keith nodded as he put the ingredient in the large metal bowl. "Ok, what's Next?"

"we need to add some peanut butter." somewhere along the line Lance had found himself standing behind Keith with his arms lazily thrown around Keith's shoulders and neck from behind, his hands landing lightly over Keith's chest.

"Yes! Time for cookie cutters and flour!" Lance was giddy, because this was his favorite part.  He let go of Keith to grab the flour. He poured some out of the cookie mat but got it everywhere, and there was a puff of flour smoke. It was on Keith's black skinny jeans and it was on Lance everywhere.

Keith looked at him and  laughed, pointing at his now grayish hair, "O my gosh Lance Look at what you've done." Keith continued to laugh as Lance joined in. Keith looked at Lances face and felt endlessly happy. How did he get such a beautiful boyfriend? He walked up to Lance as they continued to laugh.Keith began shaking lances hair out, and then they just touched foreheads as the chuckled slightly with Keith's hands in Lance's hair. They closed their eyes as they;re laughs drained away with smiles in their faces.

"We better get these in the oven." Lance pulled his head away and looked at Keith.

they grabbed the cookie cutters and went crazy. So they put a few Hearts, a few starships, a couple stars, and a moon in the oven. and they came out pretty good and everyone was happy, until Mrs. McClain reminded them that any mess they made was there's to clean up. They spent a couple hours cleaning the last of the flour out of her kitchen.

A/N: Woohoo I finished it at 2;30 am and I started at 12:30 am and it too alot longer than expected jesus. I am so tired now so Imma tag people real quick. None of you have to do this if you don't want to.





Woohoo! Its been a while since I've written like that. I feel pretty tired but good. I hope you liked my oneshot. I think I'm gonna start a book for them, I'm thinking it'll be a klance one.

anyway, good bye and good morning loves


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