Some updates

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Hello my little goony army, how are you guys? I'd like to know, comment below!

ANYWAY I have been the deadest possible lately and I swear TO GOD MAGNET IS GONNA KILL ME. If you don't know what magnet is it's a stem based school program and it's an AP type thing and I'm just a small stupid little butte hole who won't put in the effort but I wanna stay with it for the college benefits.

Anyway I feel like I say anyway too much but whatever. I HAVE SPRING BREAK THIS WEEK SO ILL BE ABLE TO UPDATE AND SAY HI and stuff.

And anyway I wanted to talk about this stupid thing me and my friends are doing this week. We're having a fake wedding, y'know like five year olds. Yeah, We're fourteen and it's gonna be fun as f*ck. I'm gonna be the minister and I've written the script. The two friends I'm marrying are actually dating tho so that's fun. It's actually so cute. Then we plan on having a little fun afterwords and getting a little crazy it's gonna be awesome. But yeah I'm gonna have this event in my speech at their real wedding when I'm older so that's gonna be fun, and I think they'll kill me but that's ok.

Also I very sure of my sexuality and gender so yay. I'm pansexual gender fluid and that's pretty fun. I'm Elena but I'm also Evan and I'm happy and confident with that. My mom doesn't always understand but she's learning and things are getting better. And there's always those people who try to tell me how I'm feeling is confused and that there are only 2 genders, which scientists and neurologists have proven wrong(don't ever doubt yourself, boo! It's real!) there are more than one gender. But uh yeah. Sometimes I'm Evan sometimes Elena sometimes both and sometimes I don't identify with any gender.

But anyway yeah that's what's going on here. I hope that maybe my coming out chapter may have helped some of you, but if not that's ok. I love you all! You're my small growing goony army and you're all amazing!

~Love, Elena/Evan

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