Phil // 1

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I love my cat, I really do, but every time he runs away takes me one step closer to putting him up for adoption. I honestly don't even know how he gets out, I live in a 6th floor apartment with no fire escape, more than anything i'm just impressed (and confused) that he continues to escape.

Neko has escaped at least 20 times before, but this time has got to be one of the most inconvenient. Mostly because it's 3 AM, a little because I had just gotten into bed when I realised he was missing.

I sigh, flinging the checkered duvet off my legs and hurrying to the window to try and see Neko. After a few seconds of scanning, I manage to spot him in the park across the street.

'Goddamn it Neko', I mutter under my breath as I fling on a coat over my pyjamas and rush down the stairs quickly, locking the door on the way out.

I step out onto the pavement, now very aware of how empty the streets are. I walk across the road, towards the park.  Every footstep deafeningly loud against the eerie silence of the night. I don't like it. I would so much rather be in bed, in the safety of my own house, and I would be, if it wasn't for this goddamn cat.



so hey, i started a new book? dw i'm still continuing 'art' but since that one kinda turned into more of a kik story, i was kind of craving actual paragraphs and stuff so here. i like this concept, i hope this book turns out ok *crosses fingers*

remember to vote and comment if you like it so far!

also i know this chapter is kinda short, they'll get longer probably

kik - ellaphant13
(pm or kik me for insta/tumblr/weheartit/snapchat)

reach out on anything + message me anytime, i love talking to people lmao

-e. x

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