Chapter 8

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Chapter 8.

The days and nights of the South American tour seemed to blend together in a haze of excessive heat, humidity, and music making. By the end, everyone was in a better place than they started off in; Hayley, for example, could finally be trusted with her phone at night, trusting she wouldn’t try to call Chad and beg for him to take her back- a situation that had to be stopped more times than Hayley liked to admit. In fact, by the end of the tour, everyone had grown so close they were able to last minute schedule Lights on the Self Titled tour with You Me At Six and Zedd, stretching across the US and some of Canada. They were just about a month into the tour and everything was going pretty much perfectly…

“Come on!” Hayley urged Lights, jumping around the bus eagerly. Halloween was tomorrow, and costumes had yet to be acquired.

“Alright, alright,” Lights sighed, tying her shoes and standing up. Hayley gave her a dopey grin and opened the door.

“Be back later!” She called to whoever was listening. The day before, Jeremy and Taylor had gone out without telling anyone, to get matching Mario and Luigi costumes, which somehow everyone but them found weird. Jeremy of course insisted on getting Mario, and had been calling Taylor “Green Mario,” constantly, leaving Taylor annoyed and regretting his decision.

Hayley and Lights walked down the street, together, but not with each other. Hayley was a few paces ahead, nearly skipping, and Lights walked more lethargically, obviously not wanting to go. Hayley reached a crosswalk, turning to wait for Lights, who didn’t meet her eyes.

“Come on, try and forget about it just for a little bit,” Hayley pleaded, taking her hand so that they could walk faster, “It’ll be alright, I’m sure we’ll figure something out..” Lights sighed at this, nodding. She couldn’t help but worry, though. On the drive to Albuquerque one of her keyboards had somehow fallen out of a trailer. They had managed to salvage it from the road, but things weren’t looking too good. She tried to do as Hayley said, and not worry about it now. It was their day off, and they had costume picking out to do.

“I’m excited for tomorrow!” Hayley chirped as she looked at her phone, following directions to a thrift store. Lights smiled, nodding and following Hayley inside an unfamiliar store. Before she knew what was happening, Hayley had found some sort of bunny costume on a rack Lights hadn’t even seen.

“Try it on,” She said, holding it out to Lights.

“This? You’ve got to be kidding-” She started, incredulous.

“No, I mean it’d be funny. Jeez Lights I know you well enough to know you’re not going to be a bunny -probably some warrior goddess or alien invader or something. But try it on anyway. Pleeease?”

“…Fine,” Lights gave in, snatching it from Hayley, but she couldn’t suppress a smile.

“Uhhh, fitting rooms are this way,” She nodded and Lights followed.


“Alright, let’s see it!” Hayley clapped her hands, waiting for Lights to come out of the stall.

“Do I have to..? I look like a 15 year old.”

“Yes.” The door slowly opened, revealing Lights as a fairly revealing bunny. Hayley laughed when she saw her, and Lights slammed the door back shut.


“Oh my goodness,” Hayley laughed, catching her breath, “It’s wonderful. Stay in there. I’m going to go get more for you to do.” At this Lights groaned, but in all reality she was glad Hayley had taken her out to get her mind off things. Soon enough Hayley had returned, arms full of colorful garments. She threw one over the door, and Lights laughed upon seeing it. A mildly sexy cop outfit, complete with a hat awaited her.

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