Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Lights woke up, disoriented at first. When she realized it was Hayley sleeping on her chest though, she smiled, moving her and sitting up carefully. She felt around her pockets for her phone to check the time.

“It’s 3:30,” Jeremy said, startling her. She hadn’t realized he was sitting right there at the table. “Sleep well?” He smirked as Lights nodded, standing up.

“Yeah,” She yawned. Hayley stirred beside her, grumbling something unintelligible.

“Hey, come back and be my pillow,” She muttered, reaching up blindly and trying to pull her back down.

“Oh God,” She laughed as Hayley squeezed her.

“You’re very comfortable,” Hayley mumbled.

“Heyyyy, you two,” Max said, coming from the bunks, “We all have a good night?”

“Pretty good,” Hayley said.

“Very good,” Lights corrected her. Hayley finally let them sit up.

“Good, good. Hayley, can I talk to you?” He said as she grinned, nodding. They headed to the back room before anyone could protest or question them.

“So?” Max said immediately once Hayley had closed the door behind her.

“So?” Hayley repeated, baiting him. He sighed exasperatedly.

“So how was last night?! You guys fell asleep together? Tell me everything!” He said excitedly as Hayley laughed at his enthusiasm.

“Well.. It was good. We were dancing, right? And then this girl bumped into me and spilled her drink all over herself…” She told Max the events of the night.

“So she said she liked you?”

“Yup,” Hayley said proudly.

“Damn. Are you ready for tonight?”

“I think so. It’s kind of cheesy though don’t you think?”

“Yeah but I think it’ll work.. I mean, unless you have some other idea?”

“I do… But I’ll tell you later if it works out,” Hayley grinned as Max nodded. They headed back out to the front of the bus where Lights was hanging upside down off the couch, looking at her phone. Hayley smirked, poking her stomach where her shirt was sliding up.

“Hey!” She laughed, rolling onto the floor. Hayley stuck her tongue out at her.

“I’m gonna take a shower then head out,” She announced, “Got some things to do, places to be.”

“Can I come?” Lights asked, eyeing her curiously.

“Uh, nope, sorry. I’ve got scret errands to run,” Hayley said, exchanging a quick look with Max. Lights frowned a little.

“Well okay,” She shrugged, turning back to her phone. Hayley went to the tiny bathroom to clean up and get ready to go out. After getting dressed she said a quick ‘bye’ to everyone and hopped off the bus. She followed the directions on her phone she’d looked up earlier.

“I hope this works…” She muttered to herself, squinting against the sun.


An hour and a half later, Hayley was kicking her shoes off on the bus again. It seemed empty.

“Guys?” She called, heading toward the back. She stopped by the bunks, pushing a few curtains aside. She found Lights in her bunk, her back turned to her. She nudged her shoulder gently and Lights turned over, opening her eyes sleepily.

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