Cherry McVey is having to move from London to Canada where she ends up working for her crushes family. Will they fall in love or will she keep it professional?!
Read more to find out.
I was in you room cleaning up my school stuff and putting it all into boxes as I have just finished school for good. "Cherry" My mum shouted. I got up and went down into the living room. "Ye mum what's up?" "I have a surprise for you" She told me that when I fished school I would get a big surprise but right now we can't afford anything so unless she got it ages ago I don't know what it could be.
"What is it?" I asked. "Turn around" I did as she said but I couldn't see anything. "What am I superposed to be looking at exactly?" "Come in" Mum said and I just looked at her confused. I looked back at the door and saw my brother James stood there smiling. "JAMES!!!" I shouted running over to him and hugging him. "I didn't know you were coming back!" "Well I'm going to be back with you for a lot longer this time" He said as I hugged him again.
"But Cherry there is something we need to tell you" "What?" I asked as James looked worried. "I'm just going to make sure there is noting breakable around when you tell her" James said moving everything that was breakable. "What's going on?" I asked sitting down. "Well honey you know that when your dad left we lost a lot of money" "Yes I know but I don't see what that has to do with anything". "Well Cherry we can no longer afford this house"
James sat down next to me and he looked like he was ready to grab me. "I think I know what your about to say! We're moving aren't we?!" "Yes Cherry we are" "Where are we moving to?" "Well James has got some work to do and that work is going to take him away from London for a while and we have been waiting to go with him for years but he wanted you to finish school first and now you have we are going with him"
"But where are we going?" "We're going to Canada the boys are going to do some work with another artist over there" (Can any of you guess who that is!:)) "Okay I understand" "So your okay with this your not going to scream or shout like you normally would" "No it's fine" I said getting up and going upstairs. I got into my room and threw myself down on my bed. "You okay Cherry" James said sitting down on my bed. "Ye why wouldn't I be?"
"Well it's kind of my fault your leaving your friends" "Oh I'm not bothered about that they ditched me anyway" I said sitting up. "Okay well what about your boyfriend?" "Oh him we're not together anymore we broke up ages ago" "Right...I have been away a while...what happened? The last time I saw you two you were happy" "Oh he cheated on me" (His dirty little secrets are banging on his bedroom floor. Oh he's a fricking cheater yeah, dunno what you do it for!!! Sorry I had to) "Now I wish you had told me sooner I could have broke my guitar over his head" James said cracking his knuckles.
"He isn't worth it he never was" "Okay well as long your happy that's all I care about" "Yes I am...and don't worry about me and the move I'm okay with it I think the thing that pissed me off the most the last time is that I had to move school's at least this time I don't" "Ye that's true I think it would piss me off too! And I won't tell mum you swore if you don't tell her I did too" "". I kicked James out and got ready for bed.
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I got my diary out and started writing.
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Dear Diary, I know I told James that I am okay with the move but I am not! I don't even know why I'm not okay with it I mean it's not like I am going to miss anyone here, everything I said was true all of my 'friends' have ditched me and my boyfriend did cheat on me but I guess I am just hoping that I do still have friends here but I know I don't. I get why we have to move, when my mum and dad split up he took everything leaving mum with nothing but me and James and she says that is enough for her but we still need money and all the money James gets goes back into his music so I guess when we get to Canada I am going to have to get a job and I know mum is going to fight me on this but she can't I am 18 now and I am more than old enough to get a job and help her out. I think one good thing that might come out of moving is that I might get to meet Shawn Mendes well that depends on what part we move to. James said he is going there to work with another artist maybe it is Shawn Mends and if it is I will have to get James to introduce me because I love him so much!!! Anyway bye... Love Cherry xxx
I finished writing and got into bed slowly falling asleep.
Okay I hope you enjoyed this and sorry if it was shit I am going to try and make it a lot better.
Bye love ya all xxx
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