Finally moving

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A few weeks have passed and I have spent the entire time packing up my stuff to move and today is finally the day we are moving. I got up and got dressed

and went down and put my last few bags in the car

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and went down and put my last few bags in the car. "You sure your okay moving?!" "Yes James" "And are you sure your okay sitting next to me in the care!" "No not with that one your going to have to sit in the front with mum" "I knew I would".

We got breakfast on the way because we didn't have anything at home. And then we set off to are new home. As it is like 6 am I ended up falling asleep in the back of the car after we got off the plain.

"Cherry wake up" James said slapping my face. "I'm up, I'm up" I said sitting up and getting out the car. "This is a lot smaller then are old house,

 "This is a lot smaller then are old house,

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isn't it" I said looking at are new house.

"Ye but it's just us and it has 3 bedrooms so you get a room each

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"Ye but it's just us and it has 3 bedrooms so you get a room each. "That's okay then I don't want to be sharing with him" "I don't want to share with you ether" "What's wrong with me?!" "Everything is wrong with you" "You two!" "Ye okay well is there anything to eat?" I asked.

"No we don't have anything to yet so we are probably going to go out for dinner" "Okay then" "Cherry I'm going to see the boys tomorrow do you wanna come?" "Ye I haven't seen them in a long time" "I know but just bear in mind we will have to get work done" "Ye that's fine I don't worry I will help you out with the major stuff okay" 

We went out and got dinner and came home and put are beds together so we had somewhere to sleep and I got ready for bed.

We went out and got dinner and came home and put are beds together so we had somewhere to sleep and I got ready for bed

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Dear Diary,

We have finally moved to Canada. And it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be I mean I have only been here for a few hours but the area seems nice and I know the house is smaller than my old house but it is still nice. I can't wait to see the boys tomorrow I haven't seen them in so long even though they have to do work I really don't mind that, it also means I get to hear there new songs before other people do so that's the cool part.

Love From Cherry xxx

Finally after hours of playing on my phone I fell asleep.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this.

Sorry if it was shit.

Bye love ya all!

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