My new job!

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"Cherry if your coming with me then you need to get up" James said shaking me.

"Okay, okay I'm awake" I said still with my eyes closed.

"Your clearly not" 

"Well I am now I said sitting up. 

"Good now go get ready" 

"Okay fine then piss off". "Mum do we have any water so I can take a shower?" I asked going into her room.

"Yes you can take a shower" 

"Thanks". I got some clothes out of my bag and went to take a shower,

 I got some clothes out of my bag and went to take a shower,

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and, got dressed.

"Wait James we have no food, what are we going to do about breakfast?" I said as I walked downstairs into the living room

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"Wait James we have no food, what are we going to do about breakfast?" I said as I walked downstairs into the living room.

"Wait James we have no food, what are we going to do about breakfast?" I said as I walked downstairs into the living room

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"We'll get something on the way to the studio"

"Okay do you know what we'll get?"

"No I don't know what we'll get we'll just have to see what there is on the way"

"Okay fine there was no need to snap at me"

"Can we just go?!" 

"Fine". We got in the car and made are way to the studio, stopping for something to eat on the way. "James how do you think would would react if I told her I wanted to get a job?" 

"I don't know I mean it depends on what job you got"

"I don't know right now but I will be looking for something because I really want to help her out" 

"Well all I can say is don't tell her your looking for one and when you get one then tell her"

"Yeah that's probably the best thing to do or she might kill me, she really doesn't want me to get a job" 

"She didn't want me to get a job and look what happened when I told her I wanted to be in a band and leave London for a long time" 

"Well I'm not going to be in a band so she shouldn't flip out that much" I said as we started walking up the stairs to the studio. "You got the right place didn't you?" 

"Yes Cherry I got the right place how stupid do you think I am?!"

"I don't think you want me to answer that"

"Your right I don't, now come one before you start pissing me off and I send you home"

"Alright, alright stop being so mean to me" I said as we walked upstairs into the studio.

"I'm not being mean to you your just being annoying". James said opening the door.

"James are you being mean to your sister again!?" Brad joked giving me a hug. 

I haven't seen the boys since they went on tour, two years ago. It felt good to be back with the guys. Since I had never really had any friends of my own, I always knew I could count on the boys to be there for me when I needed them, unless they go away, but, even then I know I can call or text any of them if I need to.

"So who is it your working with then?" I asked sitting down.

"We're working with-" Conner started but James cut him off. 

"Don't tell her I want to see her reaction when they come in!"

"Can't you just tell me I doubt I'm going to know them away so you may as well just tell me"

"You'll know them don't worry it's not going to be someone you've never heard of".

The boys went to go write some songs while they waited for the mystery person to show up. While they were in there and I had nothing to do, I went on one of the computers and started looking for a job. You know something I could do part time, along with collage and helping out around the house. It didn't take me that long to come across something. Someone was looking for someone to fill the position of there cleaner. It wasn't very glamorous but it would do.

I started talking to the person that was looking for someone to fill the position, and he was willing to hire me. Obviously the first couple of days they would be monitoring my performance to see how well I was doing. To be honest it didn't sound that different to what I do at home so it was no big deal.

While I had been job hunting the mystery person had showed up. When I saw who it was I felt a lump form in my throat. I never thought this day would come...and now it had!...

To be continued...

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