Cherry McVey is having to move from London to Canada where she ends up working for her crushes family. Will they fall in love or will she keep it professional?!
Read more to find out.
I looked up and saw who it was. I felt a lump form in my throat as I looked at the my throat as I looked at the mystery person. I never thought this day would come. The moment I finally met Shawn Mendes!
"Cherry can you come her a minute please?!" James asked.
I got up and some what ran over to him, trying to act cool. I didn't want to fuck up in-front of Shawn. And ruin my chances, if I have any...but I highly doubt someone like Shawn Mendes would like someone like me. I mean I'm just a boring teenage girl, and he's a super star.
"Shawn this is my little sister Cherry, and, Cherry you already know who this is!" James said winking at me.
"Hi Cherry it's nice to finally meet you" Shawn said holding out his hand.
"Nice to meet you too" I said shaking his hand and trying to keep my cool "What do you mean finally?"
"Oh well James has talked about you a lot, and he said your a fan so I was hoping you were going to be here so I could meet you!" He said not letting go of my hand, I hadn't even realised I was still holding it.
"Yeah I am a fan, I've been wanting to meet you for years"
"Well I hope it's the same as you imagined".
"Better because it's actually happened"
"I think it's time we got to work" James said looking down at my hand that was still holding onto Shawn's.
I let go of it and went back over to the computer and watched the boys playing. I can't believe I have finally met Shawn, he's so much cutter in real life.
Every now and again while they were playing I saw Shawn look up at me, and, smile. Why did he keep looking at me? I really shouldn't read too much into that, I always do that, I have always read too much into a boy looking at me, I don't know why I do that, they never like me so why do I bother. And anyway if I do find a boy who likes me he's always a twat that cheats on me. So for now I have just given up on finding love.
When the boys were finished for today they said there goodbye's to Shawn and we went are separate ways.
"So what did you think of Shawn?" James asked as we drove home.
"He's amazing" I giggled, "Like I thought he would be!"
"I know you wanted to meet him, that's why I wanted you to come with me today, I know normally I don't like bringing you with me but when I was told we were going to be working with Shawn Mendes I had to bring you with me, ever since you first heard one of his songs you've been in love with him so I thought it was time you met him...although I do have to say you are not dating my friend, I do put a ban on that!" James smiled at me.
"Thanks James you've made my day, well my life actually I never thought I would get to meet him and now I have because of you, your the best brother ever"
"That's what I'm here for!" He smiled. "So what's the plan now?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well you've left school now so what are you going to do?"
"Oh well while you boys were hard at work I actually got myself a job!"
"Really what job?"
"Well it's nothing exiting I just got myself a job as a cleaner, you know something to start out with"
"Well like you said it's a job and knowing you and your OCD you'll be great! Do you know who your working for?"
"No I have no idea but I start on Monday!" I said as we pulled into the drive way.
"Hey you two how was your day?" Mum asked as we walked into the kitchen.
"AMAZING!!!" I shouted.
"What happened that was so amazing?"
"So that's who James is working with then!" She smiled.
"Yeah I can't believe I finally met him my life is complete" I said going full fan girl.
After dinner I went up to my room
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and finished unpacking my stuff. I got a lot done and before I went to be I got changed.
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It was a lot colder here then what I was used to. I am really hoping it's going to warm up soon. I did everything I normally did before I went to bed and got out my diary.
Dear Diary,
So I know I said in my last entry that I was hoping to see Shawn Mends when I moved here.
Well it finally happened!
I went with James to his recording studio, and, he wouldn't tell me who he was going to be working with. But when I was looking for a job so I could help my mum out I didn't really notice the person they were working with until I looked up and saw Shawn Mendes. I honestly can't believe I have finally met him I have been waiting for this day for years. James is honestly the best brother ever.
I wouldn't have met him if it wasn't for James joining the band I wouldn't have had to move here and I would never of met him. Love from Cherry xxx
I got up and put my diary away in a draw and went downstairs to say goodnight to my mum and James. Then I went back upstairs to go to bed. I went to sleep thinking about what had happened and the fact that I had actually met Shawn Mendes!