Date with Shawn

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"Cherry can I ask you something?" Shawn asked before I got out the car.


"Well I know we've only just met and all, but I don't know there's just something about you, so I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go on a date with me?".

I felt my heart stop, was I dreaming? I struggled to find the words to answer him

 "I...yes!" I said looking over at Shawn who had a massive smile on his face. He lent over and kissed my cheek. 

"Can I get your number then?" he asked laughing. I have him my number and got out of the car. 

Once I got in, I shut the door and lent against the door trying to catch my breath. 

"You okay honey?" my mum asked me. 

I about jumped on her and hugged her. "I'm amazing!"

"What happened? You weren't like this this-morning!"

"So you know how James is working with Shawn?"

"Yes I do?!"

"Well I spent some time alone with him today and I got to know him and when he dropped me off just now and he asked me on a date" I said jumping up and down. 

"Okay honey, calm down, did he actually ask you on a date?" 

"Yes!!! Yes he did!!!"

"What are you going to tell James, because didn't he tell you, you couldn't date him?!"

"He did but he doesn't need to know about it"

"You can't keep it from him forever"

"I know I can't but for now I am, until me and Shawn figure out what we're doing I'm not going to keep it from him I'm just not telling him" I said, going upstairs into my room. I finished un-packing my stuff when my phone buzzed. 

Unknown number:
Hey Cherry, it's Shawn

To Shawn:
Hey Shawn 😊

From Shawn: 
You free Friday night? 😊

To Shawn: 
Yeah I'm free

From Shawn:
Okay I'll pick you up at 8, dress nice 😉

To Shawn:
Can't wait

"Mum?!" I said going downstairs. 

"Yes honey?"

"Can I get a new dress?"

"Is this for your date?"

"Yeah, I need something nice, I wanna impress him"

"Okay come on then, we've got some time to kill before James gets home". Me and mum got in the car and wen't to get a new dress. "What about this one?" My mum said holding up a gorgeous black dress. 

"Oh my god yes"

"So you want this one?!"


"Come on then, let's get something to go with it"

Mum got me some new shoe's and a jacket to go with my dress. 


"Cherry, can you please tell me where you're going!" James said as I finished getting ready. (external link)

"I'm going out"

"With who? You don't know anyone"

"I do! I have an old friend who moved here a while ago" I actually did, my old best friend moved here a few years ago. 

"Wait are you meeting up with Luke?" 

"Yes I am, I haven't seen him in ages and I want to see him"

"So you're this dressed up for Luke?"

"I am yes"

I saw my phone light up and I grabbed it before James could see. 

From ❤Shawn❤:
Where do you want me to pick you up?

To ❤Shawn❤:
So James doesn't see, could you pick me up just down the road! Please. 

From ❤Shawn❤:
Sure, I'm almost there, I'll see you in about 5 minutes

I finished getting ready and went downstairs. 

"So what am I meant to do tonight?" James asked. 

"I don't know! Hang out with mum"

"What time are you gonna be back?" 

"I don't know. Mum what time do I have to be back?"

"11, have a good night honey" she said as I walked out of the door and down the road. 

I saw Shawn lent up against his car, he looked at me and smiled. "You look amazing" he said kissing me on the cheek. 

"Thank you, so do you" I said as I felt myself going red. 

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