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"Layla, listen to me. Just because you got drunk off your ass at the last party doesn't mean you will this time, now stop being a party pooper and come with me." My best friend, Carlee, scolds.

I roll my eyes in response. I like parties but the last few I've been really irresponsible and every time I've gotten extremely drunk. I know it's my own fault but I don't pay attention to how much I drink and I'm afraid one of these times I'm gonna be gang raped or something.

"Carlee, I wanna go but if I do you're gonna have to stay with me the whole time and make sure I don't drink, okay?"

"So you're going?"

"Yes, I'm going." I smile weakly.

She claps her hands together and grabs her phone, "This is great, I'll tell Michael that we'll be there."

"Wait, Michael? It's their party? That means Luke is gonna be there, Carlee. I can't go if he's gonna be there, it'll be too awkward an-"

"No, it won't be too awkward. Layla, do you know how many people are gonna be there? A lot. It'll be almost impossible for him to find you. And I'm gonna be with you the whole time, remember?"

I sigh but nod in agreement. I guess it can't be that bad.

Luke was my best friend my whole childhood, he was my neighbor growing up and we would play with each other every day. I couldn't ever say his name right so I used to call him 'Yuke' instead of Luke and he used to call me 'Yaya'. Our parents thought it was adorable and they referred to us as the 'Y's' but now that's over and in the past. Luke moved across town when we hit high school and he stopped coming to see me at my locker when he became friends with the "punk rock" kids, Michael, Calum and Ashton.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Carlee clapping in my face yelling "Earth to Layla".

I push her hands out of my face, "I'm sorry." I say giggling at the look she has.

"Where did you go? I've been trying to get your attention for 3 minutes." I just shake my head in response.

"I have to go home and start getting ready for this party. I'm not wearing my usual slutty dress, by the way. If I get drunk I don't wanna be wearing that."

"Yeah, I understand. I still have to decide what I'm wearing, but you do you." She says, reassuringly.

We exchange our goodbyes and I start walking home. Carlee only lives a few blocks away and it's not at all a far walk, I put my earbuds in and start thinking of the party and what I'm gonna do if I get alone around Luke. I don't know if I should be nice or be a bitch to him like he was to me.

I miss him and I miss our friendship, I wish he never moved and I wish I had sat by him at lunch that day and maybe Calum wouldn't have called him over and maybe they wouldn't have become these best friends who forgot all about me.

Michael is very chill, one day I was walking home from Carlee's and it started pouring. I was in the middle of nowhere with nothing to cover me and I was too far from Carlee's to go back so I kept on going when I heard a car pull up next to me. I turned to look and Michael told me to get in. He gave me a ride home and didn't ask for anything in return, we have a mutual appreciation for each other and I wouldn't exactly call us friends but we aren't not friends, if that makes sense. He's a lot better than Calum too, Calum thinks he owns the school and everyone in it. Ashton is graduated and is just this older guy they hang out with.

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