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Hi everyone, I will work on this when I get stuck on my main book Dreams; I am going to finish it for those of you who were wondering.

This book is different from Dreams but I hope you still enjoy it.



Chapter 1

I wake up to the smell of burning and smoke. Screaming sirens are all that I can hear. I try to move but I can't, I open my eyes slowly. Crap! I'm in what is left of our car, I struggle to move when a light is suddenly blinding me. The car door has been ripped off and a paramedic is staring at me.

"Are you okay, miss" I'm struggling to comprehend what is happening.

I struggle to nod, "I can't move much though, I'm trapped" my voice sounds like a dying cat. More of the car is removed for me to get out. My muscles are cramped I'm lifted onto a stretcher.

"What happened?" I start coughing and I realise that my head hurts.

"You were in a car accident" he answers.

Well Duh. I place my hand to my head and there is a warm liquid starting to run down my face. I pulled my hand away and stared at the blood on it. The cut was starting to hurt. I tried to move my other arm but it really hurt. I moaned at the pain, my body wasn't in shock anymore.

"Where are my parents?" The paramedics ignore me and take me to the ambulance. I start to panic.

"Is my sister okay?" I ask and I start to sob everything starts to blur. I wipe my face with my hand, now it's covered in blood and tears. I close my eyes I'm so tired. I am gently shaken, I open my eyes and the paramedic looks worried.

"Try not to fall asleep" he tells me. I nod gently and fight the urge to sleep. I'm losing the battle the last thing before I close my eyes and fade into the darkness, is my sister screaming my name. My last thought is where are my parents?


I feel like I'm floating, I open my eyes I 'm suspended in nothingness. Everything is dark and scary, I sob and try to calm myself down. I close my eyes, I try and remember what the last thing I remember is.

I remember waking up excited because we were going to see family. We were packing bags because it was for a few days. We were driving to see them and were about 2 hours into the trip. We were going through these huge traffic lights when a black ute came out of no where. Dad realised it was going to hit us and started to swerve, and swore, I knew we were in crap because dad never swears. The ute was still speeding heading straight for us, it was two meters away, there was nothing we could do. Everything changes to slow motion Mum grabs my dads hand and stares at him with acceptance. Dads face is so sad but his eyes are full of love. I turn to Maddy and when we look at each other we realise that the worst can happen. We hug each other and stare at Dad and Mum as the ute collides with our car. I remember screaming 'God please help us'. Everything speeds back up and I'm knocked out from the impact.

I open my eyes and gasp I calm myself down and breath evenly. I hear the beeping of a machine slow down as I calm down. I hear a professional voice I don't recognise but I can't make anything out. I hear a female voice talking back to him, I recognise the second voice it's Maddy she's okay.

I remember hearing her voice when the paramedics rescued me. I passed out again after that, so I must be in a hospital. I look around in this black void I must be in a coma. I can hear Maddy talking to me and I focus on her voice. I see a faint light and focus on it it gets brighter until I'm in complete light.

I close my eyes and open them again, I'm in a hospital room. I focus on my sister who is crying with a huge smile on her face. A nurse comes in and sees that I'm awake and leaves straight away.

"Don't cry Maddy" I croak and she hugs me as the doctor comes in. The doctor does a few tests on me and asks some questions, he says I seem fine.

"You will be able to go home tomorrow" the doctor explains and then leaves the room after checking a few more things. I look over at Maddy and she starts to cry.

"I thought I lost you aswell as our..." she hiccups and keeps sobbing. I'm confused and the I think I know please tell me I'm wrong!

"Dad and Mum didn't make the crash" I let it sink in I feel numb. I feel tears fall from my eyes, Maddy comes over to me and I hug her I have to be strong for both of us.


So what do you think...

I hope you love it, The story won't be quite as sad from now on. I can't wait to write the next chapter, I hope you guys can't wait aswell.





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