Can't Stay Away

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Jack watched and followed the girl for about a week until he couldn't just sit and watch any longer so he decided to approach her slowly, he thought that no one this beautiful could be as bad as the others say she is.
He slowly walked up to her and spoke softly, "Hey."
The girl turned and gasped then spread her wings to fly but she didn't have enough room.
"Wait, don't fly away, please," Jack pleaded, "I just want to know who you are and why you look so familiar."
"I'm no one you would ever want to see," the girl said then ran to a clearing before flying off.
Jack sighed, "I have to know who she is," he says to himself then rides the wind to Tooth Palace to talk to Tooth.
As usual she was flying around and checking to make sure everything is running properly.
"Tooth, I need to talk to you, I know you said to stay away from the girl but I have to know who she is," Jack says.
"You have to stay away from her," Tooth said, flying down to him, "She's no good for anyone at all."
"But who is she? I know I've seen her somewhere before," Jack says.
"Let it go, Jack, I'm busy," she says then flies off.
Jack sighs and rides off to find the girl again who is back in the clearing, at the edge of it, next to a little pond and holding a white butterfly.
"I'm sorry but that's the way it has to be," she says softly to the butterfly, "I wish it was different but no living thing is immortal," she pauses then giggles, "I'm not living, no spirit is, we're just stuck the way we are because this is how we looked when we died. So we're only that, spirits, stuck in the earthly plane. It's time for you to go now, try not to get lost in the clouds."
She watched the butterfly fly away then sighed softly and her smile disappeared.
Jack decided to speak up, "Hello," he says then quickly adds, "Please don't fly away again. I just want to know who you are."
The girl looks over at him then sighs and looks at the darkening sky, "We've met once before, Jack Frost, the night you died in the lake, I was supposed to guide your soul butterfly to the afterlife but the man in the moon had other plans for you. He wanted you as a guardian and I couldn't disobey him, you see, I'm Death."

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